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実際にあるとおり。偽りのない姿。ありてい。「有りの儘の話」「有りの儘を見せる」[Similar phrases]我が侭(わがまま) 気侭(きまま) 有りの侭(ありのまま) そっくり其の侭 着の身着の侭(きのみきのまま)
Japanese-English Dictionary
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ありのままの 〔明白な〕plain;〔ごまかしのない〕unvarnished, undisguised;〔率直な〕frank, candid, straightforward
a plain [an unvarnished/a straight/an undisguised] fact
a frank [candid] opinion
He described conditions just as they were./He gave 「a straightforward [an objective] account of the situation.
give 「an accurate [a faithful] account/《口》 tell it like it is
「To be frank (with you) [Frankly speaking], that was a mistake.
Tell us exactly what happened at the time of the collision.
有りの儘 とも書く
[対訳] the truth; fact; as it is; as you are; frank; bare plain
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