Japanese Dictionary
-Hide content三省堂大辞林第三版
Similar words:
コース クラス 教室 学年
Japanese-English Dictionary
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a class ⇒クラス
a special class (for the handicapped)
a class for mothers
学級委員 a class representative;《英》 a form leader(▼米国では特に「学級委員」というものはない)
学級新聞 a class paper
学級担任 a homeroom [《英》 form] teacher
学級日誌 a class diary
学級文庫 a class library
Owing to an epidemic of influenza, the first grade children 「were sent home [were told to stay home].
学級崩壊 the collapse of classroom discipline; classroom breakdown
These days there are many classes in which children simply will not sit down and listen.
[対訳] (school) class
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