Japanese Dictionary
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Japanese-English Dictionary
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I〔道の上り下り〕a slope; an incline
a gentle [steep] slope [incline]
「an uphill [a downhill] slope/「an up [a down] grade [《英》 gradient]
go uphill/go up a hill
go downhill/go down a hill
The church stood at the top [bottom] of a slope.
You will find a police box where the road begins to slope.
The garden slopes down to the river.
He is over [past/on the wrong side of] sixty.
She is 「on this side [《口》 on the sunny side] of fifty.
His reputation as a painter is declining [on the decline].
Prices started going down.
His luck took a turn for the better./《口》 Things started to look up for him.
阪 とも書く
[対訳] slope; incline; hill
[対訳] (e.g. 60の坂) milestone; (age) mark
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