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定か  慥か  著明  確か

Japanese-English Dictionary

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1〔確かなこと〕確実な certain; sure ((to do;that)) ⇒たしか(確か)

 I have positive [indisputable] proof.
 a sure [dependable] way of saving money
 I want to know the exact number of persons who will be present.
 He is sure [certain] to come back tomorrow.
 I don't know for certain how things will turn out.
 I will return the money to you without fail.
 This is undoubtedly his handwriting.
 Are you certain [sure] he will win?
2〔信頼できること〕確実な reliable

 a reliable witness [guarantor]
 This theory is based on solid ground.
 He has good references.
3〔堅実なこと〕確実な sound

 a sound investment [business]
 He is making steady progress.
確実性 certainty; reliability


[対訳] certain; sure; definite; reliable; sound; solid; safe; secure

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