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瓦斯 隠語大辞典
月影。〔第一類 天文事変〕月影。(何れも青白光なる故か)
Similar words:
ガス体  気体

Japanese-English Dictionary

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1 〔気体〕gas
 natural [city/propane] gas
 poison gas
 cook with gas
 a gas burner
 turn on [off] the gas/turn the gas on [off]
 turn off the gas at the main cock
 turn the gas down
 reduce the gas to half
 Our house is hooked up to the gas mains./《英》 We have gas laid on in our house.
2 〔濃霧〕a dense [thick] fog
 There was a heavy fog lying over the sea.
3 〔おなら〕
 have a lot of gas
 「A bit of gas in the digestive tract [A slightly gassy stomach] is nothing to worry about.
4 ⇒ガソリン
ガス壊疽えそ gas gangrene
ガス会社 a gas company
ガス釜 〔風呂の〕a gas bath heater;〔炊飯器〕a gas (rice) cooker
ガス管 〔金属製〕a gas pipe;〔ゴム製〕a gas hose
ガス機関 a gas engine; a gas motor
ガス器具 gas fittings
ガス警報器 a gas alarm
 We've run out of gasoline.
ガス検針員 a gas meter reader
ガスこんろ a gas ring [stove]
ガス事業法 the Gas Utility Industry Law
 He committed suicide by inhaling gas.
ガス室 a gas chamber
ガス銃 a tear gas gun
ガスストーブ a gas heater, a gas stove;《英》 a gas fire
ガス星雲 a gaseous nebula ((複 ~, -lae, ~s))
ガスタービン a gas turbine
ガス体 a gaseous body
ガス代 the gas bill
ガス台 a gas range
ガス弾 a gas shell
ガスタンク a gas tank [holder]
ガス中毒 gas poisoning
ガス中毒 ガス中毒になる be poisoned by gas; suffer from gas poisoning
ガス灯 a gas lamp
ガス突出 an eruption of gas
 Please spray all the leftover product out of aerosol cans before disposing of them.
 Let's go out for a drink to let off some steam.
 allow the opposition to vent their dissatisfaction (and get it out of their system)
ガス爆発 a gas explosion
ガス発生 the generation of gas
ガス風呂 a gas-heated bath
ガスホース a gas hose
ガスボンベ a gas cylinder [canister]
ガスマスク a gas mask
ガスメーター a gas meter
ガス漏れ a gas leak
 The gas is leaking.
ガス湯沸かし器 《米》 a gas water heater,《英》 a gas geyser
ガスライター a gas cigarette lighter
ガスレンジ 《米》 a gas range, a (gas) stove;《英》 a gas cooker
ガス溶接 gas welding


[対訳] gas (as a fuel)
[対訳] gas (state of matter)
[対訳] poison gas
[対訳] dense fog; thick fog
[対訳] gas stove; gas cooker; gas range
[対訳] gasoline; gas; petrol
[対訳] flatulence; gas; wind; fart
[対訳] gassed yarn

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