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I〔国・地域の〕the economy, economic activity [conditions], the economic climate [environment];〔企業などの〕business, business activity [trends], the business climate [environment];〔経済活動の情況〕business conditions

 a recession/hard times
 an economic boom
 an (economic) upturn
 an (economic) expansion; economic growth
 an overheated economy
 a rest
 a pause
 a deterioration/a collapse
 「a business [an economic] slowdown/an economic downturn
 (a) cooling of the economy
 uncertainty [concern] over (the course of) the economy
 a cyclical peak [bottom]
 Business [The market] is active.
 The economy is in bad [poor] shape./Business is slow [dull]./The market is dull.
 Business is improving [falling off].
 His company is doing a good business.
 That company is to all appearances doing quite well in this recession.
 How is your business doing?/How's business?
 The economic prospects for this year are dark [gloomy] again.
 The boom in apartment house construction has passed its peak.
 There is a strong sense of anxiety over the overheated U.S. economy.
 The economy has further deteriorated in the past quarter.
 Economic experts think that the economy 「hit bottom [bottomed out] this April.
 Business will 「pick up [improve] in a few months.
 A small cut in taxes will not help stimulate the economy.

 I'm always hard up./My pockets are always empty.

 Sing with more gusto!
 Let's go out on a spree tonight.
 Don't spend your money so freely.
 Don't get excited about offers that sound too good.
 You look cheerful [gloomy].
 How are you getting along?/How's everything?
 Let's have a drink to give ourselves a lift.
 Having received a large order, the shop suddenly started to hum.
景気回復「a business [an economic] recovery
景気観測 economic prospects
景気後退「a business [an economic] recession
景気刺激策 economic measures to boost demand; measures to stimulate [pep up] the economy

 The government has announced a stimulus package of 7 trillion yen.
景気指数「an economic [a business] indicator
景気循環 an economic [《米》 business, 《英》 trade] cycle

 a cyclical [an economic] trough
景気循環説 the cycle theory; the theory of business cycles
景気対策((adopt)) economic (pump-priming) measures;〔刺激策〕a stimulus measure
景気調整 economic adjustment
景気停滞 economic stagnation
景気動向 a business [an economic] trend; economic performance

 the index of current business conditions; a diffusion index ((略 DI))
 To be able to predict what will come next in the economic arena, we should pay attention to recent business trends.
景気浮揚策 reflation measures [policy];(an) expansionary [expansionist] policy
景気変動 business fluctuations; an economic fluctuation; a cyclical change
景気見通しan economic outlook [forecast]; economic prospects

business (conditions)


[対訳] business conditions; the market; economic activity; economic climate
[対訳] good (economic) times; prosperity; boom
[対訳] liveliness; energy; vigour; vigor; spirit

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