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sameness; identity
同一の (one and) the same; identical ((to, with));〔種類等が同一の別物〕the same ((as)) ⇒おなじ(同じ)
consider the two as one and the same thing
It is exactly the same as the wallet that I lost.(▼しかし,無くしたその財布ではない)
She proved to be the same [very] woman that I had been looking for.
((be)) on a level ((with))
identify [class] A with B/regard A in the same light as B
同一人物 the (very) same person
同一性 identity
同一労働同一賃金 equal pay for equal work; pay equity;《米》 comparable worth
[対訳] identical; same; one and the same; equal
[対訳] fair; equal treatment; without discrimination
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