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〔目的を達成するための〕 ((make)) (an) effort;《文》 (an) endeavor,《英》 (an) endeavour;〔骨折ること〕(an) exertion

 His efforts 「bore fruit [were rewarded].
 My utmost efforts [endeavors] were in vain.
 It was really hard work to draw this map.
 His success was the result of effort.
 His effort 「was rewarded [bore fruit], and he was accepted by the university he wanted to enter.
 Although the doctor did his best, my father died.
 I will 「make every effort [do my best].
 I exerted myself to finish the work by sundown.
 He worked hard to make his business a success.
 He is trying hard to win first prize.
努力家 a hard worker
努力型(a person of) the hardworking type
努力賞 a prize for effort


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