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1 (話し手のところから)出ていく
2 (話し手のところから)出て見えなくなる
3 (ある場所を)進む
4 …するところだ
◆「出ていく」という出発の意味を中心にして,消失・移動・予定の意味に広がる.be going to do の形をとる語義4は事態の「進行中」(予定)を表す.
━━[動] (went /wént/;gone /ɡɔ́ːn | ɡɔ́n/;~・ing)自【出発】
1 〈人・物が〉(話し手のいるところから)出ていく (解説的語義)
・go for a drink
・go on a trip
・Oh, it's late; I have to be going.
・She went twenty miles [a long way].
・I must go and see [go (to) see] her.
・go shopping
(1) go to school は「機能としての学校に行く」の意味で school は無冠詞U,go to the school は「建物としての学校に行く」の意味で school はC;無冠詞Uとなる主な名詞は bed,work,school,church,press,court,prison,((英))university,college,((英))hospital,jail など.
(2) 会話では go to do の to を省くこともある
・I have to go put on my bathing suit.
1a 〈道などが〉(話し手の(視点がある)ところから)延びていく (解説的語義)
・From here the path goes south.
・A lovely path goes up alongside amongst trees.
1b 〈時間などが〉過ぎていく (解説的語義)
・as time goes by
・My vacation went by quickly.
・Three years went past.
1c 【異常な変化】〈人・物・事が〉(悪い状態に)なる(◆通常状態からの逸脱を表す)([連語] go+形:wrong/bust/berserk/mad/bankrupt/broke/crazy)
・What went wrong?
・Bill's left front tire went flat.
・After his death the gang went to pieces.
[コーパス]come vs. go +形
come :true/alive/clean/cheap/complete
go :wrong/unnoticed/crazy/mad/bankrupt
◆come は比較的肯定的な形容詞を伴うのに対して,go の後は否定的な語がくることが多い.
2 【消失】 〈人・物などが〉(話し手のいるところから)出て見えなくなる (解説的語義)
姿を消す,〈人が〉いなくなる,〈物が〉なくなる,〈表情・火などが〉消える,〈人が〉(解雇などで)出ていく,〈物が〉廃棄される(out,off)≪out of≫
・go out of view [sight]
・A full moon came and went.
・Poverty must go.
・When I came back my purse was gone.
帰ってきたとき,私の財布はもうなかった(◆移動・方向・目的地などを含意する場合はhave gone:Where have all the children gone? 子どもたちはみんなどこへ行ってしまったの)
・The fire faded and went out.
・Suddenly the lights went off because of a thunderstorm.
・That damned secretary will have to go.
2a 〈感覚・命などが〉なくなる (解説的語義)
・My eyesight [hearing] is going.
・My voice has gone.
声がかすれてしまった(◆「(声が)戻る」はcome back)
・My headache went.
・The batteries went.
・When I go, I want to go peacefully in my sleep.
2b 〈機会・自信などが〉消える,うせる,〈希望・夢・仕事などが〉なくなる
・Her chance of winning went.
・My confidence went (away) completely.
・Now that dream has gone and our lives are in tatters.
今やその夢はなくなり私たちの生活はずたずただ(◆夢の「実現」はcome true)
・About 400 jobs will go with the closure of two dairies.
2c 〈金・物などが〉出ていく (解説的語義)
・A dining table and four chairs went for £300.
・Much public money went for expensive projects.
・All his money went on beer.
・Under my father's will that part of his property went to my brother.
・Going! (Going!) Gone!
3 【移動】 (一般に)〈人・物などが〉(ある場所を)進む (解説的語義)
・There goes Harry.
(向こうに)あっ,ハリーだ(◆代名詞ではThere he goes.)
・Some 7 million people went from Ireland to North America from the 1600s to the early 1900s.
3a 〈道などが〉(向こうを)通る (解説的語義)
・The road goes through a small hamlet.
・The wall goes from east to west.
・The Andes mountain range goes from north to south.
3b 【調和】〈物が〉(適切な場所に)納まる,置かれる≪in,under,on≫,〈服・色・味などが〉(別のものと)合う,調和する≪with≫
・Glasses go on the top shelf.
・My gray shoes don't go with this dress.
3c 【音・声】〈人・物(の声・音)などが〉(向こうで)聞こえる (解説的語義)
・There goes the bell for round two!
・Bang! bang! went the guns.
・That little cat went meow, meow, meow.
・The story goes that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.
・A rumor went that he had heart disease.
・She goes to me, “Do you have 5 cents?”
3d 【経過】〈時間・事態が〉経過する (解説的語義)
・Time goes so fast.
・The day went very slowly for Anne.
・My clock is going slow [fast].
・How did your date go?
・How are things going?
最近はどう(◆How's it going?やHow goes it?ともいう)
・Everything is going well [fine].
・We have kept the electric fan going all day.
・When he eats, he goes like this.
・Go easy with [on] him.
3e 【通用】〈貨幣などが〉流通[通用,流布]している;〈事が〉承認[信用]されている;(…の名で)知られている≪by,under≫;〈事・言葉が〉決定的[有効]である
・U.S. banknotes go everywhere.
・At these parties, anything goes.
・go by [under] the name of Tate
・What the boss says goes.
3f 【中立的な変化】〈人・物・事が〉(ある状態に)なる,移行する,変わる(◆動1c のような異常性は示さない)([連語] go+形:straight/free/strong/live/easy/private/public/clear/good/great/international)
・Russia and China have gone capitalist.
・The University went coeducational in 1966.
・The Homestead Act went into effect May 20, 1862.
・The swelling went down but the pain did not go away.
腫はれは引いたが痛みは消えなかった(◆go awayは動2a
3g 【手段】(…の手段に)訴える,頼る≪to≫
・go to war [blows]
・go to court [law]
・go to a person for help
3h 【継続】〈人・物・事が〉(ある状態のまま)推移する,(…の)まま[状態]である
・The voices of refugee children have gone unheard for far too long.
・He went sleepless for three nights.
4 【予定】 〔be going to do〕…するところだ,…するつもりだ;…しそうだ(◆気持ち・予定・見た目で状況がすでに「進行している」ことを表す)
・I am going to make a list of those present.
・Her son was going to see the doctor.
彼女の息子は医者に診せることになっていた(◆was going toは通例それが実現されない[なかった]という含みがある)
・It's going to rain.
・She's going to have a baby next month.
・War's going to be declared any second.
・You are going to do as I tell you.
言いつけたとおりにするんだよ(◆命令的;((略式))ではbe gonna doになることもある)
4a (…するのに)役立つ,資する≪to do≫
・qualities that go to make a hero
・This goes to show how naive we were.
4b 〔否定文・命令文で〕((略式))(…する)ようなことをする≪doing≫(◆非難・軽蔑を表す)
・Don't (you) go telling me lies.
5 〔as ... go〕((略式))…の一般基準と比較して,…としては
・As politicians go, he is reasonably honest.
as far as it goes
go about
1 ((英))自自+(…を)歩き[動き]回る;自《海事》〈船が〉針路を変更する;《軍事》回れ右をする
2 自+〈仕事・日課・問題などに〉(いつも通り)取りかかる,精を出して(…)する≪doing≫;自((英))(習慣的に)(…)して回る,いつも通り(…)する(go around)≪doing≫
3 自〔通例副詞句を伴って〕((英))格好をする,ふるまいをする(go around)
4 自+自〔通例進行形で〕((主に英))〈うわさ・病気などが〉(場所に)広がる(go around)
5 自((主に英))(人と)つき合う(go around)(together)≪with≫
go across
1 自(場所へ)渡る,横切る,行く≪to≫;自+〈橋・川などを〉渡る,越える,〈場所を〉横切る
2 自(人に)近づく≪to≫;〈話などが〉(…に)伝わる,理解される≪to≫
3 自(考えなどを変えて)(…に)移る,転向する≪to≫
go after
1 〈人を〉追う,追跡する,追いかけ回す;〈人を〉呼び止める,引き止める;…を攻撃する
2 〈仕事などを〉求める,〈賞などを〉ねらう,目ざす
go against
1 〈人が〉〈人・希望などに〉反対する,逆らう;〈物・事が〉〈考え・方針などに〉反する,合わない
・That goes against my beliefs.
2 〈事が〉〈人・事に〉不利に働く
go (all) out
(…を得ようとして/…しようとして)できる限り努力する,がんばる≪for/to do≫
go along
1 自+〈場所に〉沿って進む;自〈人が〉(場所に)行く,進む≪to≫,(人に/場所に)ついて行く,同行する≪with/to≫;(場所・行事に)ぶらりと立ち寄る≪to≫
2 自+〈…することを〉続ける≪doing≫;自(仕事などを)進める,続ける≪with≫;〈仕事などが〉はかどる(get along);〔副詞句を伴って〕((略式))〈事が〉(…に)運ぶ,行われる
3 自〈事が〉(事と)同時に生じる;〈物が〉(サービス・おまけなどで)(…に)つく≪with≫;〔as A go along〕A(人)が他のことに気を取られながら,Aの気まぐれで,ついでに
4 自((特に米))(人・意見などに)賛成する,協力する≪with≫
・Please go along with him.
5 〔Go along (with you)!〕((英略式・やや古))あっちへ行け;よせ,ばかを言うな
go and do
1 …しにいく
・Go and see what he's doing.
2 愚かにも…する
・He went and broke the rule.
go around
1 自歩き回る;一周する,〈車輪・テープなどが〉回転する;自+…をぐるりと囲む,〈塀などが〉…を囲う
・The earth goes around the sun.
1a 自+自(場所・建物を)見て回る,巡回する;〔副詞句を伴って〕((主に米))(人・家などを)訪問する≪to≫;自〈飛行機が〉再着陸を試みる
・go around to his house
1b 自+自(角を)回る,回り道をする,(物・人を)避けて通る
1c 自+自〈物などが〉(すべての人に)行き渡る,〈物が〉(人に)行き渡る;〈メモなどが〉(人に)回覧される
・Are there enough chairs to go around?
1d 自+自〔進行形で〕〈うわさ・病気などが〉(…に)広まる(((英))go about)
2 自+自〈考え・曲などが〉(頭の中を)ぐるぐる回る;自〈頭が〉くらくらする
3 自〔通例進行形で〕(習慣的に)(…)して回る,いつも通り(…)する(((英))go about)≪doing≫;自+自(ある格好を)する,(ある態度を)とる
・What goes around comes around.
4 自((やや古))(人と)付き合う(((主に英))go about)(together)≪with≫
go at
1 〈人に〉襲い[飛び]かかる,〈人を〉攻撃する
2 〈仕事などに〉熱心に[精力的に]取りかかる
3 〈(驚くほどの)値段で〉売られる
go away

1 (…から)立ち去る≪from≫(◆「外出する」は go out);〔通例副詞句を伴って〕(休暇などで)(遠くへ)出かける≪on≫;新婚旅行に出かける;(人と)駆け落ちする(together)≪with≫
1a 〔命令文で〕あちらへ行く,離れる
1b (物を)持ち逃げする≪with≫
1c 〔進行形で〕〈馬・走者が〉先頭を切る
2 〈痛み・悩み・におい・問題などが〉消える,収まる;〈雨などが〉止む
3 ((略式))(考えを)抱く,信じる≪with≫
go back
1 自(…に/…を取り[連れ]に)戻る,帰る≪to,into,inside/for≫;〈軍隊などが〉退却する;〔通例副詞句を伴って〕((英))〈学校・生徒が〉(休暇が終わって)新学期に入る;(ストライキのあと)職場に戻る
・There is no going back. =You can't go back.
1a 自((略式))〈買った[借りた]物が〉(元に)戻される,返される≪to≫;他((略式))〈物を〉返品する,返却する
2 自(元の話題・習慣などに)戻る;〈事が〉(元の状態に)戻る;(別れた相手と)寄りを戻す≪to≫;〔否定文で〕〈人が〉(元の状態に)戻る≪to≫
3 自(約束・言葉などを)破る≪on≫
4 自((英))〈時計が〉(夏時間から標準時に)戻される
5 自((略式))〈家系・慣習・付き合いなどが〉(過去にまで)さかのぼる,(年月を)さかのぼる;〈人・思い出などが〉(過去を)回顧する,(…まで)戻る≪to≫
6 自(…について)再検討[再考]する,(…を)何度も繰り返す≪over≫
7 自〈土地が〉(…まで)広がっている,延びている≪to≫
go before
1 自+自〔進行形不可;過去形で〕((文学))〈事が〉先にある[起こる],先立つ
2 自+…の前に出頭する;〈問題が〉…に提出される
3 自+自((文学))先に死ぬ
go between
go beyond
・That's going beyond a joke.
go by
1 自+〈乗り物・手段・足を〉使って行く,〈物に〉乗っていく;〈動力などで〉動く,進む
1a 自+〔受身形不可〕…に従う,…を信用する;…に基づいて判断する
・go by the rules
・Don't go by what the newspapers say.
1b 自+〈通り名・偽名を〉使う,〈名前で〉知られている(⇒動3e
2 自+自〈人・行列などが〉(…のそばなどを)通り過ぎる;((米・豪))(場所に)立ち寄る
2a 自〈時間などが〉経過する(⇒動1b );〈機会などが〉過ぎ去る,見逃がされる;〈人の言動・事が〉影響しない,〈過失が〉見過ごされる;自+〈人の言動・事が〉〈人に〉影響しない
・let a chance go by
go do
〔命令文で〕どこかに行って…していろ,あっちで…していろ(◆go and do の and の省略)
・Go tell him yourself.
go down
1 自(…まで)降りる,落ちる,下がる≪to≫,〈通りなどが〉下り坂になる;自+〈場所を〉降りる
1a 自〈太陽などが〉沈む;〈船が〉(人とともに)沈没する,〈人が〉(船とともに)沈む≪with≫;〈飛行機が〉墜落する;〈家などが〉崩壊する
1b 自〈人が〉倒れる,〈ボクサーが〉ダウンする;〈人が〉(ひざ・手をついて)身をかがめる≪on≫;((特に英略式))(急性の病気で)倒れる,寝込む≪with≫
1c 自〔副詞句を伴って〕〈食物・薬などが〉のどを通る,((略式))消化される;((卑・俗))(人に)フェラチオをする≪on≫;(女と)性交する
2 自〈量・大きさが〉減る,〈タイヤなどが〉空気が抜ける,〈腫れが〉しぼむ(⇒動3f );〈人が〉(…に)音を低くする,〈音が〉(…まで)低くなる≪to≫;〈風・火などが〉おさまる;〈温度・熱・水位などが〉下がる;〈照明が〉だんだん暗くなる
2a 自((英))〈値段・質が〉下がる;((略式))〈人・物・事の〉(価値・評価などが)下がる≪in≫;〈仕事・商売が〉落ち込む;(試験に)落第する≪in≫
2b 自((英))(…によって)敗北する≪by≫;(…に)屈する≪to,before,against≫;((特に英))(下位リーグ[ランク]に)落ちる≪to≫;《ブリッジ》ダウンする,宣言したトリック数を取れない
・Japan went down to Italy by the score of 2 to 1.
2c 自((英・豪略式))〈人が〉刑務所にぶち込まれる
・go down for life
3 自(都会・北などから/いなか・南などに)行く,下る≪from/to≫;((英))(期末休暇・退学などで)大学を去る,帰郷する;((英形式・やや古))(オックスフォード大学・ケンブリッジ大学を)卒業する≪from≫
4 自+自(道などに沿って)旅をする;(近所の場所に)戻って来る;((英略式))(店などに)ちょっと立ち寄る≪to≫
5 自〈土地・道路などが〉(…まで)広がる,延びる;〈本(の内容)などが〉(…の時点[範囲]まで)及ぶ≪to≫
6 自〈人・事が〉(歴史などに/…として)記録される,伝わる≪in/as≫;〈話などが〉書きとられる
・He'll go down in history as the greatest scientist of this century.
7 自〔副詞句を伴って〕((略式))〈人・行動・説明などが〉(人に)受け入れられる,反響を呼ぶ≪with≫;((主に米略式))〈事が〉起こる,生じる
・That plan went down well with the committee members.
・What's going down?
8 自《コンピュ》〈コンピュータ・システムが〉(一時的に)止まる,ダウンする;〈電話回線が〉不通になる
go for
1 …しにいく≪doing≫,…を呼びに[取りに]行く,〈銃・刃物などに〉手を伸ばす
・Shall I go for a doctor?
2 ((略式))…を得ようとする,…になろうとする
・go for a job
・He is going for a lawyer.
2a ((英略式))…を攻撃する,激しく非難する(◆受身形可)
・The watchdog went for the prowler.
3 …として通る[通用する],考えられる;…の目的に使われる,代用になる;〈金額で〉売られる(⇒動2c
・a sofa that goes for a bed
4 〔通例現在形で;受身形不可〕((略式))〈事が〉…の場合にも当てはまる,…についても言える
・That [The same] goes for ... (, too).
5 …に賛成する,…を支持する;〔進行形不可〕((略式))…を好む,…に熱を上げる;((英略式))…を選ぶ
・Young people go for his idealism.
6 …の役に立つ;((略式))〈人に〉有利に働く
・All my work went for nothing.
・You have a lot [everything] going for you
go for it
go forth

1 出発する
2 ((文学))〈命令などが〉出される
go forward

1 前進する;〈仕事などが〉進む,(次のレベルに)勝ち進む≪to≫
・going forward
2 ((主に英))〈時計が〉(夏時間のため1時間)進められる
3 (…を)遂行する≪with≫
4 〈提案・名前などが〉(委員会などに)提出される≪to≫
go in
1 自+自〈人が〉(建物などに)入る;(職場・病院などに)仕事[検査]しに入る≪to≫;自(海に)入る,町に出る,繁華街に行く;〈警察・兵士などが〉突入する,出動する
1a 自((英))〈太陽・月などが〉雲間に入る
1b 自+自〈物が〉(場所に)収まる,ぴったり合う
2 自+〈時間・金などが〉…に費やされる,当てられる
3 自((略式))〈話・情報などが〉頭に入る,理解される
4 自+自((略式))(グループ・組織に)加わる
・go in the army
4a 自+自(ゲーム・競技に)参加する;自《クリケット》〈チームが〉攻撃に入る,〈打者が〉打席に入る;《スポーツ》〈球が〉(よい場所に)落ちて得点につながる
・Go in and win!
5 自仕事[勉強]を始める;〈学校・劇などが〉始まる;《軍事》攻撃[爆撃]を始める
go in and out
go in for A
1 ((特に英))A(競技など)に参加する;A(試験・検査など)を受ける;A(仕事など)に携わる,Aを職業とする;Aをテーマにする
2 Aを目ざす;Aを習慣にする
3 Aを好む,趣味とする
・go in for sports
4 A(人・考えなど)に賛成する,Aを支持する
go into
1 …に入る,〈職場に〉つく;〈病院などに〉(一時的に)入る;〈町・繁華街に〉出る;〈軍隊・警察などが〉〈現場に〉出動する
1a 〈物が〉…に収まる,〈引き出しなどに〉手を入れて探る;《スポーツ》〈球が〉〈よい場所に〉落ちて得点につながる;〔受身形不可〕〈数で〉〈数が〉割り切れる,〈数・量が〉…に含まれる
2 〔受身形不可〕〈職業などに〉就く,従事する,〈仕事を〉始める;((略式))〈グループ・組織などに〉加わる,入る;〔通例副詞句を伴って〕〈活動・選挙・競技などに〉参加する
・go into business [politics]
3 〔受身形不可〕〈ある状態に〉なる,陥る;〈人・物が〉〈動作を〉(思わず)始める;〈服などを〉着る
・go into a rage
・go into mourning
3a 〈本などが〉〈新版などで〉出版される
・go into a third edition
3b 〈乗り物・運転手が〉〈態勢に〉入る,〈乗り物が〉…にぶつかる
4 〈時間・金が〉〈…することに〉使われる≪doing≫;〈貯金を〉使ってしまう
5 《コンピュ》〈プログラム・ファイルを〉開く
6 〔通例否定文で〕…を詳しく論じる[調査する,検討する];だらだら話し始める(◆受身形可)
・The details have not yet been gone into.
go in with
go it
((英略式))〔通例命令文で〕猛烈な勢いでやる;〔通例進行形で〕むちゃくちゃをする,やりすぎる;急ぐ,ぶっ飛ばす(◆過去形は did go it)
・Go it!
go it alone
go off
1 自+自〈人が〉(…に)出かける,立ち去る≪to≫;(…から)退場する(◆脚本のト書きなどで)
1a 自((略式))(…を)持ち逃げする;(人と)駆け落ちする;((英))(人と)(別人と付き合うために)関係を清算する≪with≫
2 自〔副詞句を伴って〕〈道などが〉(…の方向に)分かれる;〈人・運動などが〉わき道にそれる,脱線する≪to,in≫,自+〈道から〉それる,はずれる
・go off the rails
3 自〈火器が〉発射される,〈爆弾が〉爆発する;〈警報機などが〉鳴り出す;((略式))〈人が〉(人に)怒りを爆発させる,キレる≪on≫;自+〈人を〉怒鳴りつける;自非常識な行動をする
4 自〈電灯・電気などが〉消える,〈機械が〉動かなくなる(⇒動2 );〈品物などが〉売り切れる;((英))〈痛みが〉なくなる;〈人が〉意識を失う,失神する;〔しばしばgo off to sleep〕((特に英略式))眠る;死ぬ;〈人が〉突然(…に)なる≪into≫
・The children have already gone off (to sleep).
5 自((主に英・豪))〈飲食物が〉腐る,悪くなる;((特に英・豪略式))(質が)悪くなる;((英略式))〈人の〉(力量が)衰える
・The milk has gone off.
6 自+((主に英・豪略式))…を嫌いになる,〈麻薬などを〉やめる
・He has gone off smoking.
7 自〔副詞句を伴って〕((英略式))〈事が〉運ぶ,行われる
・The party went off beautifully.
go on
1 自((英))先へ進む;〈道路・川などが〉続く;進歩する,(次の段階などに)進む≪to≫
2 自〈時間が〉過ぎる;自+〔進行形で〕((略式))〈年齢・時間に〉近づく(((英))go on for)
・He is going on (for) seventy.
・It's going on (for) midnight.
3 自(…に)進み[歩み]続ける≪to≫;〈活動・状態などが〉続く,(…を)続ける≪with≫;(…し)続ける≪doing≫;続いて次に(…)する≪to do≫;(活動・習慣などを)そのまま続ける≪in≫
・She went on talking [to talk] about her boyfriend.
3a 自(わずかな中断の後)(話を)続ける,戻す≪with≫(◆しばしば引用文を伴って)
3b 自〔しばしば進行形で〕((英略式))〈事が〉(うまく)いく;〈人が〉(事などで)(うまく)いく≪with,in≫;(人と)(うまく)やっていく≪with≫;自+〔主に否定文で〕((略式))〈物・事を〉好む
・enough ... to be going [to go] on with
3c 自((略式))(…について)しゃべりまくる≪about≫;〔通例進行形で〕((特に英略式))(人を)しかりつける,ののしる≪at≫;(人に/…するように)求め続ける≪at/to do≫
・He frequently goes on at his children.
4 自+〈場所に〉置かれる,収まる,(遊園地などで)〈乗り物に〉乗る;自+自〈衣服などが〉(人に)着られる,〈靴・手袋などが〉(足・手などに)ぴったり合う
5 自(食べ物・金・予定などを)やりくりする,都合する≪for≫;自+〈財産などが〉…に与えられる;…の世話になる,援助を受ける;〔受身形不可〕((英))〈金銭・時間・労力を〉〈事に〉使う
・go on unemployment=((英))go on the dole
6 自((英略式))(…のように)ふるまう,行動する≪like≫;(…と)同然である≪for≫,自+〔進行形で〕ほとんど…も同然である
6a 自+〈活動・仕事などを〉始める;〈職業に〉就く,〈薬を〉服用し始める,〈組織などの〉会員になる,〈名簿に〉載る
6b 自+自〈俳優が〉(舞台などに)出る,演技を始める,(…に)出演する;〈選手が〉(試合・フィールドに)出る;自《クリケット》投球番につく
6c 自+〔否定文・疑問文で〕〈情報などを〉基に行動[判断]する
7 自〔通例進行形で〕起こる,発生する,行われる;〈機械が〉作動する,〈電灯・電気が〉つく;〈ガス・水道などが〉使えるようになる
8 自((略式・やや古))さあやれ,がんばれ,いいとも(◆説得・激励);((英・反語的に))ばか言え,まさか
・Go on! You're just teasing me.
go (on) before

1 〔進行形で〕先頭に立って進む(◆賛美歌の文句)
2 〈事が〉先にある[起こる],先立つ,〈人が〉先に死ぬ
go out

1 (…から/…へ)出て行く≪of/to,into,for≫;(食事・映画などに)外出する≪for,to≫;(…しに)出かける≪to do,and do,doing≫;((略式))(人と)つき合う,デートに行く(together)≪with≫
1a (外国へ)渡航する,移民する≪to≫;社会[社交界]に出る;(…に/…として)働きに出る≪to/as≫
2 〈書類・招待状などが〉(…に)発送される≪to≫;〈ニュースなどが〉(…から)(公式に)伝えられる≪from≫;〔しばしばgo out on the air〕((英))〈テレビ・ラジオ番組が〉放映[放送]される
3 〈愛情・同情・気持ちなどが〉(…に)注がれる≪to≫
・My sympathies went out to the deceased.
4 ((米))(運動チームなどへ)入部を目ざす≪for≫;((略式))(…しようと)できるだけ努力する≪and do≫
5 ((英))(…を要求して)(ストライキを)する≪for≫
・go out on strike for a pay raise
6 〈金が〉使われる,出ていく
7 〈海(の潮)が〉ひく;〔副詞句を伴って〕((文学))〈時節が〉終わる,暮れる;〈火・明かりが〉消える(⇒動2 );〈感情・活気などが〉(…から)消える≪of≫;((略式))気を失う,眠る;((略式・遠回しに))〈人が〉死ぬ
8 (物の)質が落ちる≪of≫,〈服装・理論などが〉すたれる,不要になる;〈政党が〉政権の座から降りる;〈内閣などが〉辞職する
9 《スポーツ》((英))〈チームなどが〉(トーナメントなどで/敵に)敗退する≪of/to≫;《ゴルフ》(18ホールのうち)前半9ホールのプレーを終える,アウトをプレーする;《トランプ》ゴーアウトする,手札を捨ててゲームから抜ける
go over
1 自+自(…を)越える,(…の)上(空)を行く;〔しばしばgo over A's head〕(さらに上の上司に相談して)A(上司)の頭越しに行う;自+〈出費が〉〈収入などを〉越える
2 自(対岸・島などに)渡る;(特に海路で)(外国に)渡航[移住]する;(人・物に)近づく,(…に向かって)(部屋・町などを)移動する≪to≫;(…しに)行く≪to do,and do≫
・Shall we go over and [to] play tennis?
3 自〔副詞句を伴って〕(人の家などに)ちょっと立ち寄る
4 自〈車・船などが〉ひっくり返る,転覆する;〈壁などが〉倒れる
5 自(別のやり方などに)移る;(新しい宗教・思想などに)転向する,改宗する;(裏切って)(敵側に)身を投じる;(放送で)(別の局・レポーターなどに)切り換わる≪to≫
6 自〔副詞句を伴って〕((米))〈計画・演説・人などが〉(人・委員会などに)受け入れられる≪with≫
・go over well [((米略式))big]
・Their first song didn't go over.
7 自+…をよく調べる[検討する,考える];視察する,捜索する
8 自+〈せりふ・教科などを〉復習する;〈説明・作業などを〉繰り返す;〈合計などを〉検算する;…にさらに目を通す,…を再読する;〈人の失敗などを〉再三持ち出す
9 自+〈部屋・車などの〉表面をきれいにする,…を(検査して)修理する;〈絵・写真などに〉手を加える,…を修正する
go through
1 自+自〈人・物が〉(場所・国などを)通り[突き]抜ける,くぐり抜ける,経由する,(場所に)入っていく≪to≫(⇒動3a );〈うわさ・病気などが〉(…に)広がる
2 自〈バケツの底・ズボンなどが〉穴があく,抜ける,自+〈服などに〉穴をあける
3 自〈法案などが〉承認[可決]される,〈取引などが〉まとまる;自+〈法案などを〉承認させる,通過させる;〈人・組織の〉許可を受ける,〈習慣を〉行う,〈手順を〉ふむ
4 自((主に英))〈人・チームなどが〉(試合で)(…まで)勝ち進む≪to≫
5 自+〈感覚が〉〈人の〉体を駆け抜ける,〈事・考えが〉〈頭・心を〉よぎる;〈食物が〉〈人に〉消化不良で下痢を引き起こす
6 自+自(苦しさなどを)経験[体験]する,切り抜ける≪with≫(◆come through が「困難を切り抜けたからりっぱだ」という評価を表すのに対し go through は客観的な意味のみをもつ)
6a 自+〈仕事・予定などを〉全部済ませる,やり通す,終える;〈人生を〉うまく過ごす;〈時間を〉過ごす
6b 自+…を詳しく調査[検討]する;(…を求めて)…を捜す≪for≫;〈演技・歌・要点などを〉よく練習[復習,確認]する;〈検査・テストを〉受ける
7 自+〈本が〉〈版を〉重ねる
8 自+((略式))〈物を〉あっという間にすっかり使い切る,〈金・食物・物などを〉使い果たす[古す];〈場所を〉掃除する
go through with
go together

1 〈人が〉一緒に行く;〈事が〉同時に生じる,相伴う
2 〈人が〉気が合う;〈物・事が〉つり合う,〈色などが〉調和する
・Cheese and wine go together.
3 〔通例進行形で〕((米略式・やや古))つき合う,恋人同士である
go to it
go toward
go under
1 自〈太陽が〉沈む,〈船・人が〉沈む,〈人が〉もぐる;〈人が〉(麻酔・ガスなどで)意識がなくなる
1a 自((略式))失敗する,破産する;破滅する,死ぬ;(…に)負ける,屈する≪to≫
2 自+〈グループ・種類などに〉属する,入る
3 自+…として名が通る,知られている(⇒動3e
4 自+〈土地・森林などが〉〈機械・機具で〉手が加えられる,変えられてしまう
go up
1 自(…に)上る,昇る,登る,(人・物に)近づく,追いつく≪to≫;自+〈階段・山などを〉上る,登る
1a 自〈建物などが〉建つ,〈掲示などが〉(貼り)出される;〈幕が〉上がる,開く;〈照明が〉(映画館・劇場などで)次第に明るくなる
1b 自((略式))〈数量・価格・温度・成績などが〉(…まで)上がる,増す≪to≫,〈タイヤなどが〉(空気で)膨らむ;(賭かけ金などの)金額を上げる;〈人が〉(…まで)音量を高める,〈音・歓声などが〉(…まで)高まる,とどろく≪to≫
2 自(人前で表彰などを受けに)進み出る;〈人(の地位)が〉上がる,出世する;〈人が〉(評価において)上がる≪in,into≫;((英))(上位リーグ[ランク]まで)上がる≪to,into≫;(試験などに)応募する≪for≫
3 自(いなか・南から/首都・主要都市・北へ)行く≪from/to≫,北に向かう,((英))中心地[都会]に向かう
・go up to London
3a 自((英形式・やや古))(オックスフォード・ケンブリッジなどの)大学に入る,学期始めに(大学に)戻る;〈生徒が〉(上の学年に)進級する≪to≫
4 自〈本(の記述)などが〉(時点・範囲まで)さかのぼる,達する≪to≫
5 自((略式))〈建物・爆弾などが〉爆発する;((特に米))(…と)争う,戦う≪against≫
・go up in flames
5a 自〈希望・計画などが〉吹っ飛ぶ;〈役者が〉(せりふを)とちる,忘れる≪in≫
go with
1 …と同行する,…に同伴する;〔通例進行形で;受身形不可〕((やや古・略式))〈恋人と〉つき合う;((英))…とセックスする
2 …に付属する,伴う
3 …と調和する,つり合う(⇒動3b
4 …に同調する,同意する;〔受身形不可〕((略式))〈考え・計画を〉支持する,((主に米略式))…を(納得のいくものとして)取り上げる,選ぶ
go without
1 自+自(食事・食糧などを)なしですます
・go without breakfast
2 自+…を持たない,…がない
Here [There] A goes (again).
not go there
・Don't go there.
There goes A.
1 (ほら,)A(人など)が行くよ(⇒動3
2 A(電話などが)鳴る(⇒動3c
3 Aをじゃまされて[奪われて]がっかりだ
to go
1 ((主に米略式))〈飲食物が〉持ち帰り用の
・a hamburger to go
2 〈時間・距離・物が〉残って
・two pages to go
Where do A go from here [there]?
━━[名] (複~es)
1 U出て行く[去る]こと,進行
・come and go of people from all over the world
1a C((米略式))(移動などの)許可;(行動・計画などの)ゴーサイン
・Our trip to Israel is a go.
・On the morning of Christmas Eve, Apollo 8 was given a go for lunar orbit.
・This plan is a go.
・The area where I live is (a) no go for dogs and cats.
2 C((略式))試み;順番(turn);((略式))(酒などの)一飲み(の量),一杯;(食べ物の)一口
・She passed the exam (on her) first [second] go.
・give it a go
・It's worth a go.
・It's your go!
2a C((略式))(事を)進行させた結果,成功;((略式))約束,(成立した)取引
・It's a go.
2b U((英略式))やっていく力,やる気,気力,ガッツ
・He's healthy and full of go.
・Tom had so much go in him.
3 C((略式))事態,成り行き;困ったこと
・Here's a go!=What a go!
all (the) go
from the word (“) go (”)
have a go
1 (…を)やってみる≪at≫
・Let me have a go.
2 (…を)使ってみる,試してみる,さわってみる≪on≫
3 (…を)とがめる,非難する≪at≫
4 襲いかかる,なぐりかかる
in [at] one go
It's all go.
make a go of A
・make a go of the business
near go
・have a near go from death
no go
・It's no go.
off the go
on the go
・have ... on the go
━━[形] 〔限定〕((米略式))(…の)用意ができて(ready)≪for≫;正常に作動して;好都合な,有利な
・All planes are go.

English-Vietnamese Dictionary

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Nghe phát âm

Thông dụng
Danh từ, số nhiều goes
Sự đi
Sức sống; nhiệt tình, sự hăng hái
■full of go
・đầy sức sống; đầy nhiệt tình
Sự làm thử
■to have a go to do something
・thử làm việc gì
Lần, hơi, cú
■at one go
・một lần, một hơi, một cú
・to succeed at the first go
・làm lần đầu đã thành công ngay
・to blow out all the candles at one go
・thổi một cái tắt hết các cây nến
Khẩu phần, suất (đồ ăn); cốc, chén, hớp (rượu)
■to have another go
・lấy thêm một suất ăn nữa, uống thêm một chén rượu nữa
(thông tục) việc khó xử việc rắc rối
■what a go!
・sao mà rắc rối thế!
(thông tục) sự thành công, sự thắng lợi
■to make a go of it
・thành công (trong công việc gì...)
(thông tục) sự bận rộn, sự hoạt đông, sự tích cực
■a near go
・sự suýt chết
・all (quite) the go
・(thông tục) hợp thời trang
It's no go
(thông tục) việc ấy không xong đâu; không làm ăn gì được
■to be on the go
・bận rộn hoạt động
Đang xuống dốc, đang suy
Nội động từ ( .went, .gone)
Đi, đi đến, đi tới
■to go to Saigon
・đi Sàigòn
・to go on a journey
・đi du lịch
・to go bathing
・đi tắm
・to go shopping
・đi mua hàng
Thành, thành ra, hoá thành
■to go mad
・phát điên, hoá điên
・to go to sea
・trở thành thuỷ thủ
・to go on the stage
・trở thành diễn viên
・to go on the streets
・làm đi
・to go native
・trở thành như người địa phương
・to go to the bar
・trở thành luật sư
Trôi qua, trôi đi (thời gian)
■how quickly time goes!
・sao mà thơì gian trôi nhanh thế!
Chết, tiêu tan, chấm dứt, mất hết, yếu đi
■all hope is gone
・mọi hy vọng đều tiêu tan
・my sight is going
・mắt tôi yếu đi
Bắt đầu (làm gì...)
■one, two, three go!
・một, hai, ba bắt đầu một, hai, ba chạy! (chạy thi)
・here goes!
・nào bắt đầu nhé!
Chặy (máy móc)
■does your watch go well?
・đồng hồ của anh chặy có tốt không?
・the machine goes by electricity
・máy chạy bằng điện
・to set an engine going
・cho máy chạy
Điểm đánh (đồng hồ, chuông, kẻng); nổ (súng, pháo...)
■the clock has just gone three
・đồng hồ vừa điểm ba giờ
ở vào tình trạng, sống trong tình trạng...
■to go hungry
・sống đói khổ
・to go with young
・có chửa (súc vật)
・to be going with child
・có mang (người)
・to go bankrupt
・bị phá sản, rơi vào tình cảnh sạt nghiệp
Làm theo, hành động theo, hành động phù hợp với, xét theo
■to go on appearances
・xét bề ngoài, xét hình thức
・to go by certain principles
・hành động theo một số nguyên tắc nhất định
・to go with the tide (times)
・làm như mọi người, theo thời
Đổ, sụp, gãy, vỡ nợ, phá sản
■the bridge might go under such a weight
・nặng như vậy cầu có thể gãy
・bank goes
・ngân hàng vỡ nợ
Diễn ra, xaỷ ra, tiếp diễn, tiến hành, diễn biến; kết quả
■how does the affair go?
・công việc tiến hành ra sao?
・the play went well
・vở kijch thành công tốt đẹp
Đang lưu hành (tiền bạc)
Đặt để, kê; để vừa vào, vừa với, có chỗ, đủ chỗ
■where is this table to go?
・kê cả cái bàn này vào đâu?
・your clothes can't go into this small suitcase
・áo quần của anh không để vừa vào chiếc va li nhỏ này đâu
・six into twelve goes twice
・mười hai chia cho sáu vừa đúng được hai
Hợp với, xứng với, thích hợp với
■red goes well with brown
・màu đỏ rất hợp với màu nâu
Nói năng, cư xử, làm đến mức là
■to have gone too far
・đã đi quá xa rồi, đã nói quá rồi
・to go so far to say...
・nói đến mức là...
・what he says is true as far as it goes
・trong chừng mực nào đó thì điều anh nói là đúng
Trả (giá...); tiêu vào (tiền...); bán
■to go as far as 100 d
・đã trả tới 100 đồng
・all her pocket-money goes in books
・có bao nhiêu tiền tiêu vặt là cô ta mua sách hết
・to go cheap
・bán rẻ
・this goes for one shilling
・cái này giá một silinh
Thuộc về
■the house went to the elder son
・cái nhà thuộc về người con lớn
・the price went to the winner
・giải thưởng thuộc về người thắng cuộc
Được biết, được thừa nhận; truyền đi, nói, truyền miệng
■as the story goes
・như ngùơi ta nói, có chuyện rằng
・it goes without saying
・khỏi phải nói, tất nhiên là có, cố nhiên là
Hợp nhịp điệu; phổ theo (thơ, nhạc...)
■to go to the tune of...
・phổ theo điệu...
Ngoại động từ
(đánh bài) đi, đánh, ra (quân bài), đặt (tiền)
■to go "two spades"
・đánh quân bài "hai bích"
■to be going to
・sắp sửa; có ý định
■It's going to rain
■Trời sắp mưa
■I'm not going to sell it
■Tôi không có ý định bán cái đó
Cấu trúc từ
to go about
■đi đây đi đó, đi chỗ này, chỗ nọ; đi khắp nơi
・to go about the country
・đi chơi khắp xứ

・Truyền đi, lan truyền, truyền khắp (lời dẫn, câu chuyện)
・a rumour is going about that...
・có tin đồn rằng...
■Khởi công, làm, lo (công việc), bắt tay vào việc

・You are going about it in the right way

・Anh bắt đầu làm đúng cách đấy
・go about your business!
・anh cứ lo lấy việc của mình đi!; hãy lo lấy việc của anh đã!
■(hàng hải) trở buồm, chạy sang đường khác
・Cố gắng
・to go about to do something
・cố gắng làm việc gì
to go abroad
■đi ra nước ngoài; đi ra ngoài; đi ra khỏi nhà
・Truyền đi, lan di (câu chuyện...)
to go across
■đi qua, băng qua, vượt qua; vượt (biển), qua (cầu)
to go after
■theo sau; theo sau tán tỉnh, tán, ve vãn (con gái)
・Xin (việc làm); tìm kiếm (cái gì)
to go against
■đi ngược
・to go against the stream (tide)
・đi ngược dòng, không theo thói

・Làm trái ý muốn (của ai)
■Có hại (cho ai)
to go ahead
■tiến lên, thăng tiến
to go along
■tiến triển; tiếp tục
・you may meet with difficulties at first, but you'll find it easier as you go along
・có thể là lúc đầu anh sẽ gặp khó khăn đây nhưng cứ tiếp tục anh sẽ thấy dễ dàng hơn
■( + with) đi cùng
・he will go along with you as far as the station
・nó sẽ cùng đi với anh đến tận ga

・Go along with you!
・cút di!
to go among
■đi giữa (đám đông, đoàn biểu tình...)
to go at
■(thông tục) cố lại, chống lại, đánh lại, xông vào dánh
・to go at the enemy
・xông vào đánh kẻ thù
・they went at it tooth and nail
・họ chống lại kịch liệt điều đó

・Làm việc hăng hái
・he went at it with all his heart
・nó chuyên tâm làm việc đó, nó dốc hết tâm trí vào việc đó
to go away
■đi nơi khác; đi khỏi, ra đi, rời (nơi nào)
・to go away with something
・lấy vật gì đi, mang vật gì đi
to go back
■trở về, về, trở lại
・to go back to one's homeland
・về quê quán, trở về quê hương

・to go back two paces
・lui hai bước, bước lùi hai bước

・Xem xét lại, làm lại, trở lại
・to go back to a beginning
・làm lại từ đầu
・to go back to a subject
・trở lại vấn đề

・Đi ngược lại, truy nguyên
・to go back to the past
・nhớ lại những việc đã qua, nhớ lại dĩ vãng.

・Không giữ (lời hứa)
・to go back on (upon) one's word
・không giữ lời hứa

・ Thay đổi
・There is no going back
・Không thể thay đổi ý định
to go before
■đi trước, đi lên trước
・vượt lên trên (người nào)
to go behind
■xét lại, nhận định lại, nghiên cứu, tìm hiểu (vấn đề gì)
・to go behind a decision
・xét lại một quyết định

・Soát lại, kiểm tra lại
・to go behind the returns of an election
・kiểm tra lại kết quả một cuộc bầu cử
to go between
■làm môi giới, làm mối, vượt quá (giới hạn)
to go by
■đi qua; trôi qua (thời gian)
・to see somebody go by
・trông thấy ai đi qua
・time goes by quickly
・thời gian trôi nhanh

・Làm theo, xét theo
・to go by someone's advice
・làm theo lời khuyên của ai
・to go by appearances
・xét người theo bề ngoài
to go down
■xuống, đi xuống
・chìm (tàu thuỷ); lặn (mặt trời, mặt trăng...)
・trôi (thức ăn, thức uống...)
・this pill won't go down
・viên thuốc ấy không nuốt trôi được
■được hoan nghênh, được hưởng ứng, được thừa nhận (lời giải thích, lời xin lỗi, câu chuyện, vở kịch...)
・the new play went down very well with the audiences
・vở kịch mới được người xem hoan nghênh nhiệt liệt
■được tiếp tục (cho đến)
・bị đánh ngã, bại trận
・to go down before an opponent
・bị địch thủ đánh ngã
・to go down in an exam
・thi hỏng
■ra trường (đại học)
・Yên tĩnh, lắng đi, dịu đi (biển, gió...)
・hạ (giá cả)
■Được ghi lại, được ghi nhớ
・to go down in history
・được ghi lại trong lịch sử
to go for
■đi mời, đi gọi
・to go for a doctor
・đi mời bác sĩ
■được coi như
・the work went for nothing
・công việc coi như không có kết quả gì
■(từ lóng) tấn công, công kích, nhảy xổ vào
・they went for him in the newspapers
・họ công kích anh ấy trên báo chí
■Được áp dụng cho
・what I have said about him goes for you, too
・điều tôi nói với hắn áp dụng được cả với anh
to go forward
■tiến tới, tiến triển
・the work is going forward well
・công việc đang tiến triển tốt
■Xảy ra
・what is going forward here?
・việc gì thế? có gì xảy ra thế?
to go in
■vào, đi vào
■bị mây che, đi vào đám mây (mặt trời, mặt trăng)
■xông vào, tấn công
・go in and win

・tấn công đi!; hỏi đi!
to go in for
■tham gia, chơi; mê; ham; ưa chuộng, chuộng
・to go in for sports
・chơi thể thao
・to go in for stamps
・mê chơi tem
・to go in for somebody
・cầu hôn ai, theo sau ai tán tỉnh
・to go in for a principle
・theo một nguyên tắc
・to go in for a fashion
・theo một
to go in with
■cùng chung với (ai), liên kết với (ai)
・to go in with somebody in an undertaking
・cùng chung với ai làm công việc gì
to go into
・to go into the room
・vào phòng
・to go into business
・đi vào con đường kinh doanh
・to go into society
・hoà mình với mọi người, giao thiệp với đời
・to go into the army
・vào quân đội, nhập ngũ
■Đi sâu
・to go into details (particulars)
・đi sâu vào chi tiết

・Xem xét, xét
・to go into a question
・xét một vấn đề
■Lâm vào, rơi vào (tình trạng nào dó...)
・to go into mourning
・để tang
・to go into fits of laughter
・cười rộ lên
to go off
■đi ra, ra đi, đi mất, đi biến, chuồn, bỏ đi
・(sân khấu) vào (diễn viên)
・nổ (súng)
・the gun went off
・súng nổ
・the pistol did not go off
・súng lục bắn không nổ
■ung, thối, ươn, ôi
・milk has gone off
・sữa đã chua rồi
■ngủ say, lịm đi, ngất
・she went off into a faint
・cô ta ngất lịm đi
■bán tống bán tháo, bán chạy (hàng hoá)
・được tiến hành, diễn ra

・the concert went off very well
・buổi hoà nhạc đã diễn ra rất tốt đẹp
■phai, bay (màu); phai nhạt (tình cảm); xuống sức (vận động viên); trở nên tiều tuỵ, xuống nước (phụ nữ)
to go on
■đi tiếp, tiếp tục, làm tiếp
・go on!
・cứ làm tiếp đi!
・to go on with one's work
・tiếp tục làm công việc của mình
・it will go on raining
・trời còn mưa nữa
・we go on to the next item of the agenda
・chúng ta tiếp tục qua mục sau của chương trình nghị sự
■trôi qua (thời gian)
・xảy ra, diễn ra, tiếp diễn
・ra (sân khấu) (diễn viên)
・cư xử, ăn ở (một cách đáng chê trách)
・căn cứ, dựa vào
・what evidence are you going on?
・anh dựa vào chứng cứ nào?
・the lid won't go on (the pot )
・vung đậy không vừa
・these shoes are not going on my feet
・đôi giày này không vừa chân tôi
to be going on for
■gần tới, xấp xỉ
・it is going on for lunch-time
・Gần đến giờ ăn trưa rồi
・to be going on for fifty
・gần năm mươi tuổi
to go on at
■chửi mắng, mắng nhiếc
・to go on at somebody
・mắng nhiếc ai
go on with you!
■(thông tục) đừng có nói vớ vẩn!
to go out
■ra, đi ra, đi ra ngoài
・go out

・anh đi ra đi!
・he went out to dinner
・anh ấy đi ăn ở ngoài, anh ấy đi ăn cơm khách
■giao thiệp, đi dự các cuộc vui, đi dự các cuộc gặp gỡ xã giao
・he seldom went out
・anh ấy ít giao thiệp
・to go out a great deal
・đi dự các cuộc vui (các cuộc gặp gỡ xã giao) luôn
■đi ra nước ngoài
・đình công (công nhân)
・tắt (đèn, lửa...)
・lỗi thời (thời trang)
・tìm được việc (trong gia đình tư nhân)
・when she was young, she went out as a teacher
・cô ta từng đi dạy thời còn trẻ
■về hưu, thôi nắm quyền, từ chức, bị lật đổ (nội các...)
・có cảm tình

・at the first meeting, my heart went out to him at once
・tôi có cảm tình với hắn ngay khi gặp lần đầu
■hết (thời gian, năm, tháng...)
・(thể dục,thể thao) bỏ cuộc
・(từ lóng) chết
・đi đấu kiếm (trong một cuộc thách đấu)
to go over
■đi qua, vượt
・đổi (chính kiến); sang (đảng khác, hàng ngũ bên kia)
・xét từng chi tiết, kiểm tra, xem xét kỹ lưỡng
・to go over an engine
・kiểm tra máy, điều chỉnh máy
■tập dượt, ôn lại, xem lại
・to go over a lesson
・ôn lại bài học
■sửa lại
・to go over a drawing
・sửa lại một bức vẽ
■lật úp, bị đổ nhào (xe)
・(hoá học) biến thành, đổi thành, chuyển thành
to go round
■đi vòng, đi quanh
・to go a long way round
・ đi một vòng lớn
・to go round the world
・đi vòng quanh thế giới
■đủ để chia khắp lượt (ở bàn ăn)
・there are not enough cakes to go round
・không đủ bánh để chia khắp lượt
■Đi tham (ai)
・to go round to someone
・đi thăm ai
■Quay, quay tròn (bánh xe)
to go through
■đi qua
・thảo luận chi tiết; kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng, xem xét tỉ mỉ
・được thông qua, được chấp nhận

・the plan must go through the emulation committee
・kế hoạch phải được ban thi đua thông qua
■thực hiện (đầy đủ nghi thức); theo hết (chương trình khoá học...); hoàn thành (công việc)
・chịu đựng

・to go through hardship
・chịu đựng gian khó
■thấm qua, thấu qua
・bán hết (trong bao nhiêu lần in (sách))
・tiêu hết, tiêu xài nhẵn
・to go through all one's money
・tiêu xài hết nhẵn tiền
■Xong; thành công
・his work did not go through
・việc anh ấy không thành
・the deal did not go through
・việc mua bán không xong
to go through with
■hoàn thành, làm đến cùng
・to go through with some work
・hoàn thành công việc gì (không bỏ dở, làm cho đến cùng)
to go together
■đi cùng với nhau; đến cùng một lúc (tai hoạ)
・hợp vị, hợp món (thức ăn)

・beer and cheese go well together
・bia và phó mát hợp với nhau lắm
■hoà hợp, hợp nhau (ý kiến, màu sắc)
to go under
■chìm nghỉm
■thất bại; đầu hàng; phá sản
・the company went under completely
・công ty hoàn toàn phá sản
■lặn (mặt trời)
・(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) chết
to go up
■lên, leo lên, đi lên
・to go up a ladder
・lên thang gác
・to go up a river
・đi ngược dòng sông
・to go up to town
・ra tỉnh, lên tỉnh
・the curtain goes up
・màn kéo lên
■lên lớp khác
・to go up to the university
・lên đại học, vào đại học
■tăng, tăng lên (giá cả)
・nổ tung

・the house went up in flames
・ngôi nhà nổ tung trong khói lửa
■Mọc lên
・new houses are going up everywhere in the town
・nhà mới mọc lên khắp nơi trong thành phố
to go with
■ đi cùng, đi theo
■đồng ý kiến; nhất trí (với ai)
・cùng với, theo

・some acres of land go with the house
・vài mẫu ruộng kèm theo với ngôi nhà (cho ai sử dụng)
・the colour of your tie does not go well with that of your shirt
・màu ca vát của anh không hợp với màu áo sơ mi
to go without
■nhịn, chịu thiếu, chịu không có
・to go without food
・nhịn ăn, chịu đói
to be gone on somebody
■mê ai, phải lòng ai
・to go begging
・không ai cần đến, không ai cầu đến
to go all lengths
■dùng đủ mọi cách
to go all out
■rán hết sức, đem hết sức mình
to go a long way
■đi xa
・có tác dụng lớn, có ảnh hưởng lớn
・để được lâu (đồ ăn); bền (quần áo...)
・tiêu được lâu (tiền...)
to go astray
Xem astray・to go bail for someone
Xem bail・to go beyond the veil
to go hence
to go to a better word
to go out of this word
to go heaven
to go to one's account
to go to one's long rest
to go to one's own place
to go the way of all the earth
to go the way of all flesh
to go the way of nature
to go to one's last (long) home
to go over to the great majority
to go off the books
to go west
■(từ lóng) chết
to go up the flume
■(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) (từ lóng) chết
to go down hill
■xuống dốc (đen & bóng)
■Suy yếu rất nhanh (sức khoẻ)
to go far
■sự làm nên, có tiến độ
to go flop
Xem flop・to go hard with somebody
■làm lôi thôi cho ai, gây chuyện bực mình khó chịu cho ai, làm khó khăn cho ai
to go hot and cold
■lên con sốt lúc nóng lúc lạnh
・thẹn lúc đỏ bừng lúc tái đi
to go it (lóng)
■làm mạnh, làm hăng
・sống bừa bãi, sống phóng đãng
to go it alone
■làm một mình không nhờ cậy vào ai; một mình chịu hết trách nhiệm
to go off one's head (nut)
■mất trí, hoá điên
to go over big
■(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) thành công lớn, đạt kết quả lớn, tiến bộ nhiều
to go one better
■trội hơn, vuợt hơn (ai)
to go phut
Xem phut・to go share and share alike
■chia đều (với ai)
to go sick
■(quân sự) báo cáo ốm
to go to the country
Xem country・to go to great trouble (expense)
■lo lắng nhiều, bỏ nhiều công sức
go to hell (jericho, bath, blazes...)!
■ đồ chết tiệt! quỷ tha ma bắt mày đi!
to go to seed
Xem seed・to go to war
■dùng biện pháp chiến tranh, đi đến chỗ đánh nhau
to go to whole length of if
to go to the whole way
■Làm đến nơi đến chốn, không bỏ nửa chừng
Hình thái từ
・ V_s/es : goes
・ V_ing: going
・ past: went
・ PP: gone
Chuyên ngành
Kỹ thuật chung
tiến hành
vận hành
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Move (ahead or forward or onwards), proceed, advance,pass, make headway, travel, voyage, set off, tour, trek, wend,stir, budge: Would you go to the market for me?
Leave,depart, go out, move (out or away), decamp, make off, withdraw,repair, retire, retreat, Colloq take off: I wish he would go atonce. She went to her country cottage for the weekend. 3function, operate, work, run, perform: I cannot get the engineto go properly.
Lead, open to, give access to, communicate toor with, connect with or to: Where does this door go?
Lead,communicate with, run: Does this road go to Oxford?
Fit,belong (together), agree or conform (with each other),harmonize, blend, match, be appropriate or suitable (for or to),complement each other: These colours don't go.
Become: Hewent mad when he learnt about the accident.
Fit, extend,reach, span, stretch: My belt would never go round your waist!9 be disposed of or discarded or thrown away, be dismissed, begot rid of or abolished, be given up, be cast or set or putaside, be done with: That out-dated computer has to go.
Disappear (without a trace), vanish (into thin air), evaporate:Where has all the money gone?
Pass, elapse, slip or tickaway, fly: Time goes quickly when you're having fun.
Fail,fade, decline, flag, weaken, degenerate, wear out, give (out);give way, collapse, fall or come or go to pieces, disintegrate,crack: I'm afraid the tyres are going. When that last supportgoes, the roof will come down. 13 die, expire, be gone, meetone's Maker, pass on or away, shuffle off this mortal coil, goto one's reward, go to the happy hunting-grounds, go to thatgreat cricket-pitch in the sky, Slang kick the bucket, snuff it:By the time the doctor arrived, Graham had gone.
Sound,pronounce, enunciate, articulate, say, utter: And this littlepig goes 'Wee, wee, wee', all the way home.
Survive, last(out), endure, live, continue: How long can we go withoutwater?
Be used up or consumed or finished: The last of ourfood was gone.
Go to the toilet or the lavatory or thebathroom, move (one's) bowels, urinate, defecate, Slang pee,take a leak or a crap, Chiefly Brit go to the loo, Chiefly US goto the john, Taboo slang (take a) piss or shit: We stopped at amotorway filling station because Jane had to go.
Go about.approach, tackle, set about, undertake, begin, start: I don'tlike the way she goes about her work. How does one go aboutestablishing a business? 19 go ahead. proceed, continue, move orgo forward, advance, progress, go on: She told me I could goahead with the scheme. The policeman motioned to go ahead. 20 goalong (with). a escort, accompany: We asked if we could goalong with them to the cinema. b agree (to), concur (with),acquiesce (to), assent (to), support: Beverly would never goalong with a plan like yours.
Go around or about or round(with). a move or go around, circulate: I wish he'd stop goinground telling everyone about me. There's a lot of flu goingaround. b socialize (with), frequent or seek the company of,spend time with, associate with, Colloq hang around or about(with), hang out (with): The boy is going around with thatCollins girl. c wander or move around: He goes about pickingthrough rubbish bins.
Go at. attack, assault, assail: Wewent at the enemy with all the fire power we could muster.
Go away. go (off), leave, depart, withdraw, exit; retreat,recede, decamp: The clouds went away and the sun came out. Weare going away for the weekend. 24 go back (to). a return (to);revert (to), change back (to): He went back to his old jobafter the war. Can we go back to the way things were before wewere married? b originate (in), begin or start (with), date back(to): Our friendship goes back to our childhood.
Go backon. renege (on), break, retract, repudiate, forsake: She's goneback on our agreement.
Go by. a pass (by), go past, moveby; elapse: We used to watch the goods trains go by. The monthswent by quickly since our last meeting. b rely or count ordepend or bank on, put faith in(to), be guided by, judge from:You cannot go by what Atherton tells you.
Go down. a sink,go under, founder, submerge: The ship went down within minutesof striking the mine. b decrease, decline, drop, sink, drop:The Nikkei Index went down 200 points. c fall, be defeated orbeaten, suffer defeat, lose, collapse: Our forces went downunder an onslaught from the attacking armies. d be rememberedor memorialized, or recalled or commemorated or recorded: Thatday of infamy will go down in history. e find favour oracceptance or approval, be accepted: His ideas have not gonedown well with the council.
Go for. a fetch, obtain, get:Please go for help. b apply or relate to, concern, involve:The rule against smoking goes for you, too, Smedley. c fancy,favour, like, admire, be attracted to, prefer, choose, Slangdig: I can tell that Peter really goes for Maria. I could gofor a pint of beer right now. d attack, assault, assail, setupon: The dog went for him as soon as he opened the gate. eset one's sights on, aim for, focus attention or effort(s) on:I decided to risk all and go for Drogheda Boy at 100-8.
Goin for. a enter, enrol, start, begin, embark on, pursue, takeup, embrace, espouse, undertake, follow, adopt, go into, US goout for: He is going in for a career in boxing. b like, fancy,favour, practise, do, engage in: I don't go in formountain-climbing.
Go into. a See 28 (a), above. b delveinto, examine, pursue, investigate, analyse, probe, scrutinize,inquire into, study: I want to go into the subject of yourabsences with you, Fanshawe. c touch on, discuss, mention: Ishould avoid going into the subject of money with Pauline if Iwere you. 31 go off. a go out, cease to function: I saw thelights go off at nine. b explode, blow up, detonate, erupt;fire, be discharged: The bomb is set to go off in an hour. Thegun went off, killing the mouse. c occur, happen, take place:The conference went off as planned. d depart, leave, go (away),set out, exit, decamp, quit: She went off without another word.e Brit deteriorate, rot, moulder, go stale, go bad, spoil, sour,turn: After two days the milk goes off. f Usually, go offinto. start or break into or out in: He goes off into gales oflaughter whenever I mention your name.
Go on. a continue,proceed, keep on, carry on; persist, last, endure, persevere:He went on coughing all night long. The party went on into thesmall hours. b happen, occur, take place, come about, Colloqcome off: I have always wondered what went on in there. c comeon, begin or resume functioning: The lights went on atmidnight. d enter, make an entrance: She doesn't go on tillthe third act. e going on. approaching, nearing, nearly,almost, not quite: He's six going on seven. It's going on eighto'clock. f gabble, chatter, drone on, Brit natter, Colloq Britwitter (on), rabbit on: He goes on endlessly about his cars. grely or depend on, use: The detective had very little to go on.33 go out. a fade or die (out), expire, cease functioning, gooff, be extinguished: The lights went out, throwing the roominto Stygian blackness. b depart, leave, exit: He went out atsix and has not been seen since. c socialize, associate; court,go together, Brit walk out, US date: Harry is going out withAnnabel.
Go over. a review, skim (through or over), gothrough, scan, look at, read, study; inspect, examine,scrutinize, investigate: I went over your report last night.They are going over everyone's luggage with a fine-tooth comb. bbe received: The first song went over very well. c clean, tidyor neaten (up): I've just gone over the entire flat. drehearse, repeat, reiterate, review, go through: We keep goingover the same things, again and again.
Go round or US alsoaround. a revolve, rotate, spin, whirl, twirl: The earth takesa year to go round the sun. b suffice, be sufficient oradequate or enough, satisfy: Are there enough life jackets togo around? c See 21, above.
Go through. a experience,suffer, undergo, bear, take, stand, tolerate, put up with,brook, submit to, endure, live through, brave: I don't think Icould go through another war. b be accepted or approved, pass(muster): The bill went through without a hitch. c See 34 (a),above.
Go together. a harmonize, accord, agree, fit, go,suit each other, belong (with each other): I don't think thatpuce and vermilion go together. b See 33 (c), above.
Gounder. a See 27 (a), above. b fail, collapse, subside, gobankrupt, succumb, Brit go to the wall, Colloq fold, US go bellyup: Statistics show that more than 500 companies go under everyweek in the USA. 39 go up. a rise, increase: If inflation goesup, the Chancellor will raise interest rates. b explode, blowup: The munitions factory went up, showering debris over thewhole neighbourhood. 40 go with. a go together with, harmonizewith, blend with, be suitable or suited for, fit (in) with,accord or agree with: That scarf does not go with the dress. bsocialize with, associate with, date, accompany, court,Old-fashioned Brit walk out with, US date: I hear that Connieis going with Don.
Go without. do or manage or get bywithout, lack, be deprived of, need; abstain from, survive orlive or continue without: In the old days, if you could notafford something, you went without. She cannot go without acigarette for more than an hour.
Chance, turn, opportunity, try, attempt, Colloq whack,crack, whirl, shot, stab: I don't expect much, but I'll have ago anyway.
Các từ liên quan
Từ đồng nghĩa
・activity , animation , bang , birr , drive , energy , force , get-up-and-go , hardihood , life , moxie * , oomph * , pep , potency , push , snap * , starch * , tuck * , verve , vigor , vivacity , zest , bid , crack , effort , essay , fling , pop , shot , slap , stab , turn , whack , whirl
・abscond , approach , beat it * , bug out , cruise , decamp , depart , escape , exit , fare , flee , fly , get away , get going , get lost , get off * , hie , hightail , hit the road * , journey , lam , leave , light out * , make a break for it , make for , make one’s way , mosey * , move , move out , near , pass , progress , pull out , push off , push on , quit , repair , retire , run along , run away , set off , shove off * , skip out , split * , take a hike , take a powder , take flight , take leave , take off * , travel , vamoose * , wend , withdraw , act , carry on , click * , continue , flourish , maintain , make out , pan out * , perform , persist , prosper , run , score , succeed , thrive , work , connect , cover , extend , fit , give access , lead , make , range , reach , spread , vary , avail , befall , chance , come , concur , conduce , develop , eventuate , fall out , happen , incline , lead to , occur , persevere , proceed , result , serve , tend , transpire , turn , turn out , wax * , work out , accord , be adapted for , be designed for , belong , blend , chime , complement , conform , correspond , dovetail * , enjoy , jibe * , like , match , mesh , relish , set , square , suit , bend , break , cave , conclude , consume , crumble , decease , decline , demise , deplete , devour , dissipate , drop , exhaust , expend , expire , fail , finish , fold up , fritter , give , pass away * , pass on , perish , run through * , spend , squander , succumb , terminate , use up , waste , weaken , worsen , yield , be spent , flow , lapse , pass away , slip away , waste away , abide , allow , bear , brook , consent to , let , permit , put up with , stand , stomach * , suffer , swallow * , take , tolerate , remove , head , set out , strike out , get off , go away , apply , refer , carry , stretch , function , operate , elapse
Từ trái nghĩa
・stay , stop , break , disagree , mismatch , be born , create , surrender

Mark Name Dictionary

*Looking up names of animals, plants, people and places. =動物名・植物名・人名・地名を引く=