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(an) explanation; an account;〔写真などの〕a caption
説明する explain ((a thing to a person)),give an explanation [account] ((of));〔実例などを挙げて〕illustrate

 His explanation [exposition] was so clear that everybody could understand.
 It needs no explanation./It is self-evident.
 There are many inexplicable things in life.
 I'd like (to have) a full account of the incident.
 illustrate by [with] slides
 explain [give an account of] one's actions
 I explained 「the rules of [how to play] the game to the children.
 He explained that a tsunami was unlikely.
説明会 a briefing session; an explanatory meeting
説明書 an explanatory pamphlet; a manual;〔品物の〕a description
説明図 an explanatory diagram
説明文 an explanatory note; an explanation


[対訳] explanation; exposition; description; account; caption; legend

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