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1〔人の知識などを試す〕an examination; a test;《口》 an exam;〔クラスで行う簡単なテスト〕 《米》 a quiz
試験をする examine; test
an achievement test
「a written [an oral] examination
「an entrance [a term/a mid-term] examination
a final examination/《口》 a final
a certifying examination
《米》 a make(-)up (test),《英》 a resit[ríːsìt]
give [hold] an examination
take [《文》 sit for] an examination
We have an examination [exam] in history today./We have a history test today.
He passed [failed] the examination [test].
prepare for an examination/study for a test
2〔実験〕an experiment;〔テスト〕a test;〔試用〕a trial
試験する experiment ((on animals, with medicine));test ((a thing));put ((a thing)) to the test
試験的(に) experimental(ly); tentative(ly)
conduct [run] an efficiency test ((on a new model))
give a thing a trial/try using a thing to see how it works
This new gas heater is being tested.
This new medicine is still in the experimental stage.
The new car has successfully passed the tests it was subjected to.
試験科目 examination [exam] subjects
試験官 an examiner
試験管 a test tube
試験管ベビーa test-tube baby
試験監督《米》 proctoring,《英》 invigilation;〔人〕 《米》 a proctor,《英》 an invigilator[invídʒəleitər]
試験期日 the date of a test; the test date
試験採用期間 a probationary period
試験工場 a pilot plant
litmus paper
試験地獄(an) examination hell
試験場 an examination room [hall]
試験飛行 a test flight
a test pilot
study for an examination/《口》 cram for a test
試験問題「a test [an examination] question
試験用紙「an examination [a test] paper
[対訳] examination; exam; test
[対訳] trial; experiment; test
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