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1物を見る 働きをする器官。光線・色などを感受して脳に送る感覚器官で、脊椎動物では眼球およびその付属器の涙腺などと視神経 からなる。「澄んだ 美しい—」「—をあける」
3物を見る 能力。視力。「—が悪い」
8その者が出会った ありさま。体験。「つらい—にあう」「いい—を見る」
9位置・形状などが1に似たもの。㋐主要な点。物の 中心。「台風の—」㋑眼球の形をしたもの。「うおの—」㋒縦・横の線などが交わってできるすきま。「網の—」「碁盤の—」10線状に1列に並んだものの間にできたすきまや凹凸。「櫛(くし)の—」11のこぎりの歯や、やすり・すりばちなどの表面 に付けた筋。「—立て」12賽(さい)の面につけられた一から六までの点。また、振るなどして表れたその数。「賽の—」「いい—が出る」13《12から転じて》よい結果になる可能性。「優勝の—はもう消えた」14囲碁で、連結が完全な石で囲んである空点。「—が二つで活(いき)」15物差し・はかりなどに数量を示すために付けたしるし。「はかりの—」16はかり・升などではかった量。重さ。「—が足りない」17木材の切り口に現れる 年輪の線。木目(もくめ)。「—の粗い板」「正(まさ)—」18文様または紋所の名。方形またはひし形の中心に点を一つ 打った形のもの。「五つ—」
3形容詞の語幹に付いて、そのような 性質や傾向 をもっている意を表す。「長—」「細—」


[音]モク(呉) ボク(漢) [訓]め ま さかん[学習漢字]1年
4分類 上の 区分。「科目・項目・綱目・細目・種目・条目」
5大切な 箇所。「眼目・要目」
7碁盤 上の 交点。「一目・井目(せいもく)」


1生物分類の段階の一。綱の下、科の上に位置する。「昆虫綱 トンボ—ヤンマ科」




「生物学用語辞典」の他の用語個体の器官や組織など: 皮膚 皮質 皮質骨 目 盲斑 盾鱗 真皮




め【目・眼】 世界宗教用語大事典
Similar words:
種別  クラス  種目  範疇  分類

Japanese-English Dictionary

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1 〔物を見る器官〕an eye;〔眼球〕an eyeball
目の optic;《文》 ocular
 His eyes 「slant upward [droop].
 ((have)) narrow [almond] eyes
 ((have)) brown [blue] eyes(▼a black eyeは目のふちに作ったあざを指す)
 have big [small] eyes
 have sunken eyes
 with one's eyes shut [closed]
 with one's eyes open [《俗》 peeled]
 with tears in one's eyes
 I was too sleepy to keep my eyes open.
 My eyes smart from my neighbor's cigarette smoke.
 an ocular muscle
 the optic nerve
2 〔視力,視覚〕sight
目の optical; visual
 have good [bad/poor] sight [vision]
 〔失明する〕lose one's (eye)sight/go blind
 My eyes have grown blurred with (old) age.
 an optical illusion
 It tires one's eyes to work at a computer for a long time at a stretch.
3 〔目付き〕a look
 with a gentle look
 He fixed me with a piercing stare.
 He gave me a look indicating he did not want me to say anything.
4 〔見ること,注目,見張り〕
 I am afraid of the public eye.
 look away [aside]/turn one's eyes away ((from))
 When he came in, she lowered her eyes shyly.
 I didn't know where to 「turn my eyes [look].
1 〔見て判断する力〕an eye ((for));judg(e)-ment; insight
 He is 「a good [no] judge of people./He has 「a discerning [no] eye for character.
2 〔物事の見方〕
 from a doctor's point of view
 People regard me with prejudice [dislike/hatred].
 They looked at me curiously.
 I want you to take a long- range view of what I'm doing.
3 〔経験〕
 have a terrible experience
 be fortunate/be lucky
4 〔目に映る姿,印象〕
 Somehow this dress doesn't look good.
5 〔交差したもののすきま,区切り〕
 a mesh/an opening in a net
 an intersection of the lines on a go board
 The squares of this lattice are large [small]./The latticework is loose [close].
 closely-woven cloth
 fine-grained wood
 〔ひと針〕a stitch/〔2枚のつなぎ目〕 a seam
 a stitch
6 〔目の形をしたもの〕
 the eye of a typhoon
 〔針穴〕the eye of a needle
7 〔のこぎり・やすりなどの並んだ歯の部分〕
 the teeth of a saw
8 〔計りの目,目盛り〕 ⇒めもり(目盛り)
9 〔さいころの面の数を表す点〕
 I rolled [threw] a three.
 My gaze met his.
目が明く 1 〔相撲で〕
 He finally got his first win on the seventh day of the tournament.
目が明く 2 〔だるまの〕
 When he was elected mayor, he painted in the blank eye of the Dharma doll.
 He is quite a connoisseur of ceramics./He has a sharp eye for ceramic art objects.
 He didn't see clearly in this specific case.
目がくらむ 1 〔くらくらする〕
 I feel dizzy when I climb up to high places.
 I was dazzled by the bright light.
目がくらむ 2 〔判断力がなくなる〕
 Greed blinded him./He was blinded by greed.
目が肥えている have 「an expert [a critical, a sharp] eye ((for paintings))
 He is quite knowledgeable about antiques./When it comes to antiques, he has a good [discerning] eye.
 I awoke completely in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep till dawn.
目が覚める 1 〔起きる〕wake (up);〔起こされる〕be awakened
 I woke up at 7.
 I was awakened by a noise downstairs.
目が覚める 2 〔迷いから覚める〕
 He came to his senses at last and began to work in earnest.
 He got a glassy [glazed] look in his eyes./His eyes took on a glassy [fixed] stare.
目が高い ⇒目が肥えている
目が近い ⇒きんがん(近眼)
 I was lucky this time./Luck has turned my way.
目が遠い ⇒えんし(遠視)
 I cannot keep an eye on all the pupils.
目が飛び出る ⇒めのたま(目の玉)
目がない 1 〔判断する力がない〕 ⇒II1
目がない 2 〔大変好きである〕
 He is exceedingly fond of fruit./He has a weakness for fruit.
 She has a sweet tooth.
目がない 3 〔可能性がない〕
 There's no longer any chance of our winning the game.
 I 「can't take my eyes off [must keep an eye on] the children.
目が速い be sharp-eyed
 His sharp eyes are quick to spot any small spelling mistakes.
 The police keep him under close surveillance.
目が回る feel giddy [dizzy]
 Just the smell of alcohol 「makes me dizzy [makes my head swim].
 I'm having a hectic time of it./I'm so busy that my head is spinning.
 I can't keep my eyes off him.
 I was suddenly 「awakened to the truth [brought to my senses] by her advice./Hearing her advice, I felt as if the scales had fallen from my eyes.
 He is very clever [smart/intelligent].
 When I bumped my head against his, I saw stars.
 Their opposition means nothing to me./Who cares if they object?
 There was a post office 「close to [at a stone's throw from] my house.
 My house was cheek by jowl with the local pub.
 unpardonable behavior
 Their rudeness was beyond endurance.
 My daughter is the apple of my eye.
 His dejected expression rose again in my mind.
目に角を立てる 〔怒って〕look angry;〔非難して〕look reproachful
目に障る 1 〔目に良くない〕be not good for the eyes
目に障る 2 〔見ると不愉快になる〕 ⇒めざわり(目障り)
目に染みる 1 〔目を刺激する〕
 The cigarette smoke made my eyes smart [sting]./The cigarette smoke irritated my eyes.
目に染みる 2 〔色彩や印象が鮮やか〕
 The sky was bright and clear.
目にする see ⇒みる(見る)
目に立つ ⇒めだつ(目立つ)
 The flowers on the desk caught my eye [attention]./My eye fell on the flowers on the desk.
 Her faults stand out.
 I was struck by his composure.
 Her dark purple dress attracted my attention.
 The horrible sight was imprinted in her memory./She could never forget the horrible sight.
 I caught sight of her sitting by the window.
目には目(を),歯には歯(を) An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.(▼聖書から)
 Everything I saw was new to me.
 make remarkable [visible] progress
 He is recovering his health very quickly.
 It was a foregone conclusion that our team would lose.
 as quick [swift] as lightning
目に物見せる teach ((a person)) a lesson
 You better watch out, or I'll teach you a thing or two.
目の色を変える ⇒めいろ(目色)
目の色を変える 1 〔怒るさま〕
 He glared in anger.
目の色を変える 2 〔夢中になるさま〕
 With only one month left before the entrance examination he is studying desperately [《口》 flat out/《口》 like mad].
 The section chief always stands in my way.
 She hates the very sight of me.
 The beautiful paintings (I saw) were a delight to the eye.
 I won't permit such a thing as long as I live./You may do so only over my dead body.
 His wife is a striking [stunning] beauty.
目の下 1 〔眼下〕
 There was a beautiful sight spread out beneath us.
目の下 2 〔魚の大きさを表して〕
 a fish 60 centimeters long (measured from the eye to the tip of the tail)
 This paper has a good theme, but it lacks depth.
 This is 「the main point [what we need to focus on].
目の毒 1 〔見ると欲しくなるもの〕
 The fur coat made my wife drool.
 The sight of such a diamond is too much for me.
目の毒 2 〔見ると害になるもの〕
 It is harmful [not good] for children to see posters advertising pornographic films.
 feast one's eyes ((on))
 The sight of the women in kimono who filled the hall was a feast for our eyes.
目の前が暗くなる 1 ⇒めまい(眩暈)
目の前が暗くなる 2 〔失望落胆する〕
 When my teacher died suddenly, 「I was stunned [everything before me went blank].
目は口ほどに物を言う Eyes are as eloquent as the tongue.
 the sort of women who communicate with furtive glances and tugs on each other's sleeves
 The results were too pitiful to look at.
 The village was 「in ruins after [devastated by] the earthquake.
目もあや brilliant to look at
 The singers were gorgeously dressed.
 The department head 「completely ignored [took no notice of] my proposal.
 I could hardly believe my eyes when the number of my lottery ticket appeared on the TV screen.
 The beautiful scenery captivated me.
 I turned [averted] my eyes from the terrible sight.
 She looked down at the business card the man offered.
目を掛ける look after; take care of; be kind to
 The president 「is very kind to him [treats him very well] because he is not only capable but also honest.
 The boy smoked when his parents weren't looking.
 They slipped into the air base without being discovered by the guards.
 pay attention to detail
 keep an eye out for potential problems
 The suspect deceived [tricked] the police and got away successfully.
 Hardly anyone noticed [even glanced at] the poster.
 I strained my eyes to see the dark corners of the room.
目を覚ます 1 〔眠りから〕wake up; be awakened ((by a noise))
目を覚ます 2 〔迷い・誤りから〕come to one's senses
 It's high time (that) he came to his senses and put himself into his work.
目を覚ます 3 〔抑えていたものが〕
 When spring came, my longing for adventure began to stir again.
目を皿のようにする open one's eyes wide
 She peered into every corner looking for the missing ring.
 His eyes blazed with anger.
 He goggled in astonishment.
 The old man's eyes rolled in agony from the rice cake stuck in his throat.
 I fixed my eyes on the man.
 They have surely directed their attention to the right thing.
 a bag that I have 「had my eye on [been wanting to buy].
 The pickpocket fixed his eyes on the dozing woman's handbag.
目をつぶる 1 〔目を閉じる〕
 I closed [shut] my eyes and thought it over.
目をつぶる 2 〔見ないふりをする〕
 I will overlook his faults.
 Now let us turn (our eyes) to the population problem.
目を通す read quickly through; skim through
 run one's eyes through [over] the papers
目を留める watch carefully
 The policeman kept a careful eye on the man because of his suspicious conduct.
 They smoked in the school lavatory, hiding from their teachers.
 The child disappeared during the short time when I had taken my eyes off him.
 keep an eye out for drug smuggling
 Among the exhibits his bold work attracted attention.
 That experience opened my eyes.
 He was all smiles at the sight of his grandchild.
 When the parrot mimicked the owner's voice, the children stared at it in round-eyed wonder.
目を回す 1 ⇒きぜつ(気絶)
目を回す 2 〔ひどく忙しい〕
 I have had a hectic [busy] time today with visitors coming one after another.
目を回す 3 〔ひどく驚く〕
 His gaining the top prize astounded me.
 I was totally amazed [astounded/stunned] to see how much the town had changed in the past ten years.
 Father glared at me and said,“Can't you even understand this?”
 They regarded me with suspicious eyes.
 turn one's eyes [attention] to the problems of the Middle and Near East
 look toward her
 look into the distance

1 〔順序を表して〕
 on the seventh day after one's admission to a hospital
 He was the tenth member to join.
 She lives three doors from my house.
 The pharmacy is the third shop from the bank.
 His mother died three years after he was born.
 How many presidents were there before Kennedy?
 How many stations are there between here and Ueno?
2 〔程度を表して〕
 smallish/rather small
 〔おまけして〕I gave you some extra meat.
 I prefer a walking stick on the thick side.
 You had better go home (a little) early.
3 〔場所・時などの一点を表して〕a point
 a turning point
 I often catch cold when the seasons change.
 Love lasts only as long as the money holds out.

1 〔生物分類学上の単位〕an order
2 〔碁石〕a piece, a stone;〔盤目〕a point
 win [lose] by three points


眼 とも書く
[対訳] eye; eyeball
[対訳] eyesight; sight; vision
[対訳] look; stare; gaze; glance
[対訳] notice; attention; observation; eyes (of the world, public, etc.)
[対訳] an experience
[対訳] viewpoint
[対訳] discrimination; discernment; judgement; eye (e.g. for quality)
[対訳] (an) appearance
[対訳] chance (of success); possibility (of a good result)
[対訳] spacing (between crossed strands of a net, mesh, etc.); opening; stitch; texture; weave
[対訳] grain (of wood)
[対訳] eye (of a storm, needle, etc.)
[対訳] intersection (on a go board); square (on a chessboard)
[対訳] dot (on a dice); pip; rolled number
[対訳] graduation; division (of a scale)
[対訳] tooth (of a saw, comb, etc.)
[対訳] ordinal number suffix
(after adjective stem) [対訳] somewhat; -ish
(after -masu stem of verb) [対訳] point (e.g. of change)

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