Japanese Dictionary
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消尽 使う 摩り切る 消耗 遣う
Japanese-English Dictionary
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消費する consume; use (up);〔時間・精力などを〕spend;《文》 expend
consume rice
〔消費者個人の〕I was surprised at how much electricity we used last month./〔国や地方の〕We were surprised by the high consumption of electricity last month.
Don't spend your time [energy] on trifling matters.
I expended tremendous effort to finish it.
消費革命 the consumer revolution
消費組合 a consumers' cooperative (society);〔店〕a cooperative (store), a co-op [kóuɑp|-ɔp]
消費財 consumer [consumer's/consumption] goods
consumer durables/durable consumer goods
消費支出 consumer spending
消費者 a consumer
consumerism/a consumer movement
a consumer organization
consumer behavior
consumer power
消費者価格 a consumer price
消費者金融会社 a consumer loan [finance] company
消費者・少子化担当大臣 the State Minister in Charge of Consumer Affairs and Declining Birthrate
消費者庁 the Consumer Affairs Agency
消費者物価 consumer prices
消費者物価指数 the consumer price index ((略 CPI))
消費者マインドconsumer confidence [sentiment]
Consumer confidence has completely disappeared.
消費者満足度 customer [consumer] satisfaction
Consumer satisfaction is high for this model.
消費税 a consumption tax;《米》 a sales tax;《英》 a value-added tax ((略 VAT))
consumption tax-inclusive price labeling
消費生活アドバイザーa consumer adviser
消費性向 a propensity to consume
消費都市 a consumer city
[対訳] consumption; expenditure
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