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a newspaper; a paper;〔総称〕the press

 a daily [weekly] paper
 an English-language paper
 a class [school] paper
 today's paper
 the evening edition of the Maicho
 an inserted bill/an insert
 fold a newspaper
 open up [spread (out)] a newspaper
 The paper says so.
 appear in the paper
 appear serially in a newspaper/be serialized in a newspaper
 be reported in the papers [press]
 I read it in the newspaper.
 The papers played up the bribery case.
 The newspaper says that it happened on Sunday morning.
 We got [subscribed to/took] three papers.
 deliver newspapers
 We have just started a drive to get more subscribers for our newspaper.
新聞売り子 a newsboy
新聞売り場[売店;販売所]a newsstand
新聞記事 a newspaper article [story];〔短いもの〕a news item
新聞記者 a newspaper reporter
新聞記者席 the press box [gallery]
新聞業 journalism
新聞業界 the newspaper world; newspaperdom
新聞切り抜きnewspaper clippings
新聞広告 a newspaper advertisement;〔目的別の数行広告〕a classified ad
新聞購読者 a subscriber to a newspaper

 The number of 「newspaper subscribers [people who subscribe to newspapers] is decreasing.
新聞購読料「a subscription to [the subscription rate for] a newspaper
新聞紙(「a piece of [some]) newspaper
新聞社 a newspaper company
新聞種 a newspaper topic; material for a news story

 be used as material for a news story/be turned into a news story
新聞配達 newspaper delivery

 a newsboy/a newsgirl/a newspaper delivery person [boy/girl]
 a newspaper route
新聞発表 a press [news] release
新聞販売機 a newspaper vending machine
新聞販売店[取次店]a news agency; a delivery agent;《米》 a newsdealer;《英》 a newsagent
新聞論調 press comments ((on))
新聞倫理綱領 the press code
インターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューンThe International Herald Tribune
ウォールストリート・ジャーナルThe Wall Street Journal
クリスチャン・サイエンス・モニターThe Christian Science Monitor
シカゴ・トリビューンChicago Tribune
ニューヨーク・タイムズThe New York Times
ロサンゼルス・タイムズThe Los Angeles Times
ワシントン・ポストThe Washington Post(イギリス)
オブザーバーThe Observer
ガーディアンThe Guardian
タイムズThe Times
デーリー・エクスプレスThe Daily Express
デーリー・テレグラフThe Daily Telegraph
デーリー・ミラーThe Daily Mirror
デーリー・メイルThe Daily Mail
フィナンシャル・タイムズThe Financial Times


[対訳] newspaper

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