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仕込む 教える 鍛え上げる 育てる 教え込む
Japanese-English Dictionary
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(an) education;〔学校教育〕schooling;〔訓練〕training;〔しつけ〕discipline;〔養育〕upbringing;〔教養〕culture;〔教えること〕teaching, instruction
教育する educate;〔教え込む〕teach, train, discipline
教育的[上の] educational;〔教育上有益な〕instructive
compulsory education
elementary [primary] [secondary/higher] education
a university [college] education
general [vocational/commercial/industrial/business] education
a liberal education(▼職業教育に対して一般教養的な教育)
professional training [education](▼法律・医学など英米の大学では主として大学院で行うもの)
home training [education]
adult [lifelong] education
military training
the Central Education Council
receive [get/have] an education/be educated
complete [finish] one's schooling [school education]
spread education
educate a person in the Western tradition
become [be] a teacher
a highly educated person
He has had no formal education [schooling].
It is not good for children from an educational standpoint.
教育委員会(教育委員)(a member of) the Board of Education; a school board
教育映画 an educational film [picture]
教育家[者]an educator; a teacher
教育界 the educational world; educational circles
教育学 pedagogy; pedagogics
教育学者 a specialist in education
教育学部 the department of education
教育課程 a course of study; a curriculum ((複 ~s, -la))
教育課程審議会 the Curriculum Council
教育機関[施設]educational facilities
institutions of higher education
教育基本法 the Fundamental Law of Education
教育行政 educational administration
教育権 the right to education
教育工学 educational technology
教育産業 education-related industries; the education industry
教育実習 practice teaching; teacher training
教育実習生 a student teacher
教育社会学 educational sociology
教育心理学 educational psychology
教育制度 an educational system
教育大学 a teachers college; a college of education
教育庁[局]the Education Bureau
教育長 a superintendent of education
教育勅語 the Imperial Rescript on Education
教育テレビ(ジョン)educational television
教育年度「an academic [a school] year
教育年齢 an educational age ((略 E.A., EA))
教育番組 an educational program
教育費 educational [school] expenses
I feel sorry for my father, because he will have to pay high tuition fees if I go to a private university.
教育評価 educational assessment [evaluation]
教育扶助 an education allowance
教育法 teaching methods
教育法令 laws and regulations pertaining to education
教育ママan education-conscious [education-minded] mother; a mother who is overly concerned about her children's education
Brought up by a pushy, education-minded mother, he has become an emotionally unstable man.
[対訳] education; schooling; training; instruction; teaching; upbringing
[対訳] culture; cultivation; education
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