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politics; government
政治の[的な] political
parliamentary government
bureaucratic government
party politics
lack of political acumen
「be involved in [take up] politics
meddle in politics
He is utterly 「indifferent to politics [apolitical].
They discussed [talked] politics over sake.
Dietmen take part in the affairs of state.
a political problem
He is 「an able [a tactical] politician.
The case was settled politically.
He is politically-minded./He is politically aware.
They have no political awareness.
政治運動 a political movement [campaign]
政治学 political science; politics
政治学科 a department of political science
政治活動 political activity
be engaged in political activity
政治機構 a political structure
政治記者 a political journalist [writer, correspondent]
政治狂 a political fanatic
政治結社 a political organization
政治献金 a political donation [contribution]
donate money to a politician [political party]
政治工作 political maneuvering
maneuver politically
政治資金 a political fund;〔選挙資金〕campaign funds [money], a campaign [《口》 war] chest
the Political Funds Control Law
政治資金パーティー((attend; hold)) a political fund-raiser; a party to raise political funds
政治団体 a political organization
政治哲学[理念]a political philosophy [belief; ideal; concept]
政治道徳 political morality
Young people are getting more and more disillusioned with politics.
政治犯〔犯罪〕a political offense;〔人〕a political offender [prisoner]
政治亡命 political exile
He came to our embassy seeking political asylum.
政治面 the political news page(s)
政治問題 a political issue [problem]
政治屋 a politico; a politician
a self-serving politician
政治欄 a political column
政治力((have)) political influence ((over));《口》 political pull ((with))
政治倫理 political ethics
政治倫理条例 political ethics regulations
政治倫理審査会 the Political Ethics Hearing Committee
[対訳] politics; government
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