Japanese Dictionary
-Hide content三省堂大辞林第三版
Similar words:
難論 非難 弾劾 糾弾 誹議
Japanese-English Dictionary
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criticism ((for));blame ((for));an attack ((on))
非難する〔批判する〕criticize ((a person for));〔とがめる〕 ((put the)) blame ((on)),《文》 censure;〔筆舌で〕attack ((a person for)) (▼これらの語は非難する理由として forを用い,that 節は用いない)
非難すべき blameworthy; deserving of criticism
They criticized him 「for incompetence [as incompetent].
Some TV programs are blamed [criticized] for inciting juvenile crime.
The City Assembly condemned [denounced] the mayor's irregularities.
He is not to blame./It was not his fault.
The step taken by the government became a target of criticism.
His handling of the matter was impeccable [irreproachable].
The mayor 「came under attack [was attacked] for cutting the education budget.
His statement laid him open to criticism [censure]./He came under fire for his statement.
He resigned under criticism.
He looked at me reproachfully [with reproach]./He gave [shot] me a critical look.
「“There you are,”[“You see?”] she said reproachfully.
批難 とも書く
[対訳] criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
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