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Japanese Dictionary

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構成  結成  形成  編隊  組成

Japanese-English Dictionary

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成立する 〔結成される〕be organized [formed]

 The formation of the new committee owes a great deal to his zeal.
 A coalition cabinet was formed.
 The party was organized after World War II.
2〔議案などの通過〕成立する be approved; pass

 The general convention has approved the budget of the association for the current fiscal year.
 The motion (was) carried by fifteen votes to three.
3〔条約・協定などの締結〕成立する be concluded

 「A treaty was concluded [An agreement was reached] between the two nations.
 The deal was concluded.
 We will let you know if 「a sale is made [a deal is reached].
4〔実現〕成立する 〔出来上がる〕come into existence [being];〔計画などが〕be realized

 The government's old age basic pension system came into being.
 They were [got] married.
 The project fell through./The plan failed to materialize.

 We didn't have a quorum, so the meeting couldn't be held.
 Such a theory 「is not valid [does not hold water].


[対訳] formation; establishment; materialization; coming into existence
[対訳] conclusion (e.g. of a deal); reaching (e.g. an agreement); approval; completion; closing; enacting; arrangement
[対訳] being valid (of a theory, argument, etc.); holding; applying

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