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1〔気づかい〕care;〔気苦労〕worry;〔不安〕anxiety, uneasiness(▼careは気を配るべき事柄に対する気遣い,anxietyは起こりうる災難,不幸に対する不安.worryは広く用いられるが,取越し苦労を示唆することもある)
心配する be anxious [concerned] ((about));be worried ((about));be [feel] uneasy ((about))

 You worry too much.
 with 「a worried [an anxious] look
 a careworn look (on one's face)
 I am sorry to have troubled you so much.
 Thank you for your concern.
 Don't trouble yourself about me. I'm all right.
 We waited anxiously for his return.
 My only daughter 「is a source of anxiety [always weighs on my mind].
 His illness caused his parents great anxiety.
 She is anxious about her husband's safety.
 Afterwards, I felt uneasy about the promise I had made to him.
 I was afraid it would rain the next day.
 She sat still for fear of waking the baby.

 Through the kind help of a friend, I found a job.
 This time my father 「helped me financially [gave me financial help].
 My father's colleagues 「took care of [looked after] the funeral.
心配事 cares; worries

 I have a lot of family [money/financial] worries.

 《文》 She is given to worrying./《口》 She's a worrywart.


[対訳] worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear
[対訳] care; help; aid; assistance

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