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Japanese-English Dictionary
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当惑する 〔途方に暮れる〕be perplexed, be puzzled, be bewildered, be nonplused ((by)) (▼bewilderedは最初の2語より少し強い.nonplusedは思わぬ出来事に面喰らって途方に暮れること);〔狼狽ろうばいする〕be confused ((by)),be embarrassed ((by, at)) (▼面喰らってきまりの悪い思いをする),《文》 be discomfited ((by))
She felt uncomfortable [ill at ease] when the stranger spoke to her.
I was nonplused [disconcerted] by the man's preposterous reply.
I am 「at a loss [at my wit's end] how to answer.
He was bewildered by the complex situation.
I was thrown off balance by the difficult question.(▼心の平衡を失ってどぎまぎする)
I 「didn't know what to do [was embarrassed] when I realized that I didn't have enough money to pay the bill.
She stared at her uncle in perplexity [bafflement/bewilderment], for he had demanded too much of her.
As she drew closer to him, he stepped back in embarrassment.
[対訳] bewilderment; perplexity; embarrassment; confusion
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