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Japanese Dictionary

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[音]タイ(呉)(漢) [訓]おびる おび
1 おび。おび状のもの。「衣帯・眼帯・靭帯(じんたい)・声帯・束帯・着帯・紐帯(ちゅうたい・じゅうたい)・包帯」
2 身につける。おびる。「帯出・帯電・帯刀・帯黒色/拐帯・携帯」
3 そばに伴う。「帯同/妻帯・所帯・付帯・連帯」
4 ある範囲の地域。おび状の範囲。「一帯・温帯・寒帯・地帯・時間帯・植物帯」


Japanese-English Dictionary

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Ian obi, a broad sash (tied over a kimono);〔帯類〕belting

 tie [untie] an obi
 do up an obi
1〔続き物番組〕a serial; a serialized program,《英》 a serialized programme; a program in a series
2〔本の帯広告〕a wraparound band
帯に短し襷たすきに長しIt is good for neither one thing nor the other.
帯揚げan obi bustle
帯祝いan obi-tying ceremony held to pray for a safe childbirth
帯革 a leather belt;〔機械用のベルト〕a belt;〔弾薬帯〕a cartridge belt
帯グラフa column graph
帯地 obi material
帯締めan obi band

 This kind of pine grows [is distributed] in a belt along the Japan Sea.
帯止めan ornament worn at the front of an obi
帯ドラマ[帯番組]a 「serial drama [program] broadcast at the same time every day
帯封 a wrapper

 send ((a newspaper)) in a wrapper


帶 とも書く
[対訳] obi; kimono sash
[対訳] paper wrapper on books, CDs, etc.
[対訳] band; belt; strip
[対訳] cingulum
[対訳] radio or television program broadcast in the same time slot on all or most days

(名詞  接尾辞)
[対訳] band (e.g. conduction, valence); belt (e.g. Van-Allen, asteroid, etc.)

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