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内観 内省 自省
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1〔内省〕soul-searching, reflection;〔再考〕reconsideration
反省する reflect on
On reflection, it seems to me that I was unkind to him.
I make it a rule to reflect before I go to bed on what I have done during the day.
You'd better take a good, hard look at yourself.
I want you to do some soul-searching about this.
2〔遺憾に思うこと〕regret; remorse; repentance
He looks deeply remorseful [contrite].
He doesn't seem to have any remorse at all for what he did.
I was in the wrong, and I'm very sorry about it.
I wrote a letter expressing regret for what I'd done.
反省会((hold)) an evaluation meeting
反省事項 points for review (and improvement)
[対訳] reflection; reconsideration; introspection; meditation; contemplation
[対訳] regret; repentance; remorse; being sorry
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