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公開する 〔一般に開放する〕open ((a place)) to the public;〔絵などを一般に見せる〕put ((a painting)) on view, exhibit ((a painting))
The garden is opened [open] to the public every day.
The famous painting will be put on view to the general public tomorrow.
The film was 「shown for the first time [released] at the Odeon.
He decided to open the interview to the press.
He made 「a terrible mistake in front of everyone [《口》 a pretty mess in public].
I am not accustomed to attending public functions.
公開鍵 a public key
公開株 a publicly held stock [share]
公開期間 an open period
公開講座 an open class,《英》 a public lecture;〔大学の〕an extension [《英》 open] lecture, a university extension course, an extramural course
公開市場 an open market
公開市場操作 open market operation
公開(質問)状 an open letter
公開審議 an open session [hearing]
The committee will discuss this issue in an open session.
公開捜査 an open criminal investigation
公開大学 an open university
公開討論会 an open forum
公開図書館「an open [a public] library
公開入札 an open bid [tender]
公開ヒアリング((hold)) 「an open [a public] hearing
公開録音[録画]a live recording (of a public performance)
[対訳] opening to the public; making available to the public; exhibiting; unveiling; release (of a film, information, etc.); disclosure; publication
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