Japanese Dictionary
-Hide content三省堂大辞林第三版
Similar words:
好み 趣味 優先権 嗜好 プライオリティー
Japanese-English Dictionary
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priority; precedence
優先する have priority ((over));take precedence ((over))
Respect for human life should have [take] priority [precedence] over all other things./The highest priority should be given to human life.
This work takes first [top] priority.
We have to decide on priorities first.
The Government expressed the view that relief for the victims should 「be the first consideration [take first preference].
Graduates of the senior high school attached to the university are given priority in admission.
優先株(主)《米》 (a holder of) preferred stock;《英》 (a holder of) preference shares
Nobody can be given priority [preference] over others.
the right of way
優先順位 the order of priority [precedence]
優先席 a seat for the aged or the physically handicapped; a priority seat
A person [donor] can specify in writing that a relative is to be given priority for the receipt of one of his [her] organs.
優先の英訳 - gooコロケーション辞典
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