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Japanese Dictionary

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1 住んでいる場所。
2 法律で、各人の生活の本拠である場所。法人の場合は、その主たる事務所の所在地。→居所(きょしょ)

Japanese-English Dictionary

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an address

 one's present address
 Write (down) your name and address.
 I have a new address./I have moved.
 May I have your address?
住所不完全〔返送郵便物の表示〕Incomplete address

 a vagrant/《文》 a man of no fixed abode
住所不明〔表示〕Address Unknown
住所変更通知 a change-of-address notice
住所変更届 a notification of change of address

 submit a notification of one's change of address to the city office
住所録 an address book


住処 とも書く
[対訳] address (e.g. of house); residence; domicile

Hán Tôm Mark Dictionary

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