Japanese Dictionary
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Similar words:
企業 エンタープライズ 公司 商社 コーポレーション
Japanese-English Dictionary
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a company ((略 Co.));a firm; a concern; a corporation(▼法人)
a parent [subsidiary] company
an affiliated company
a joint-stock [《米》 stock] company
a trading company [corporation]
an insurance company
a corporation/《英》 a limited liability company(▼会社名には略して 《米》 Inc.,《英》 Co.,Ltd.を付ける)
a bogus company
a limited partnership
an ordinary partnership
work for a company
go to work [the office](▼the officeはデスクワークの仕事)
My husband is at the office now.
He took [got] a job with a big company.
He quit [left/〔定年で〕retired from] the company.
organize [establish] a company
merge companies
incorporate a business
会社員 an office worker; a company employee
会社組合 a company(-based) union
会社更生法 the Company Resuscitation Law; the Stock Company Reorganization and Rehabilitation Act
会社社長 the president of a company
会社重役 a company executive
会社説明会 an information session held by a company for job-seekers;a job fair
会社勤め会社勤め(を)する work for a company
会社内規 company [corporation] bylaws [regulations]
会社人間 a company man
He (is the kind who) always puts the company first.
会社法 company [corporation] law
会社訪問会社訪問をする visit a company to collect information about employment
Because I have to visit companies to get job information, I can't concentrate on my studies.
会社役員 a member of 「the Board of Directors [the directorate]
会社の英訳 - gooコロケーション辞典
[対訳] company; corporation
[対訳] workplace
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