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1〔付き合い〕association,《文》 social intercourse;〔友人関係〕friendship
交際する associate ((with));《口》 mix ((with))

 keep bad [good] company
 I enjoy his company.
 He is a very good friend of mine.
 「I am only slightly acquainted with her [She is an old friend of mine].
 I have no association with politicians.
 My father advised me not to associate with him./〔特に娘に対して〕My father warned me not to see him any more.
 She likes being with people./She is very sociable.
 She doesn't like social gatherings.
 He has a large circle of friends [acquaintances].

 He asked me to 「date him [go out with him].
 He broke off his relationship with her.
交際家 a sociable person
交際費 social expenses;〔接待費〕entertainment expenses;〔会社の〕an expense account

 He 「charged the meal to [put the meal on] his expense account.


[対訳] company; friendship; association; society; acquaintance

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