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 There is heavy [little] traffic on this street.
 suspend traffic
 The newly opened bypass has relieved traffic congestion on Route 1.
 Traffic has been paralyzed in places by the earthquake.
2〔貨客の輸送(の方法)〕transportation,《英》 transport

 The hotel is easy to get to.
 My house is hard to reach by [on] public transportation.
交通安全運動 a traffic safety campaign
交通安全環境研究所〔国交省の〕the National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory
交通安全週間 Traffic [《英》 Road] Safety Week
交通遺児 a child orphaned in a traffic [《英》 road] accident; children who have lost their parents in traffic accidents
交通違反(a) violation of traffic regulations
交通違反切符 a traffic ticket

 《米》 get a traffic ticket for speeding/《英》 be bookedfor speeding
交通禍 a traffic accident; a smash-up
交通機関(a means of) transportation; transport(ation) facilities
交通規制[法規]traffic regulations [laws]

 the Transportation Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
交通事故 a traffic [《英》 road, car] accident

 「be involved in [have] a traffic accident
 cause [have] a traffic accident
交通地獄 traffic chaos; horrible traffic congestion
交通渋滞 traffic congestion; a traffic jam

 Traffic bound for Tokyo on the Chuo Expressway is backed up for 5 kilometers near Otsuki.
交通巡査《米》 a traffic policeman,《英》 a traffic warden
交通信号 a traffic light [signal]
交通整理[規制]traffic control [restrictions]
交通整理[規制]交通整理[規制]をする control [restrict] traffic
交通戦争 measures to prevent traffic accidents
交通道徳 road manners,《英》 road etiquette

 Traffic regulations are being enforced on this road.
交通博物館 the Museum of Railway Transportation
交通費 transportation [traveling] expenses(▼travelingは旅行の場合);〔車代〕fare, carfare

 provide a commutation allowance
交通標識 a traffic sign
交通妨害 a traffic obstruction
交通妨害交通妨害する block [obstruct] traffic
交通まひ((get caught in)) a traffic jam
交通網 a network of roads; a transportation network



[対訳] traffic; transportation; communication; exchange (of ideas, etc.); intercourse

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