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社会    グローブ  地球  分野

Japanese-English Dictionary

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1〔国々〕the world;〔地球〕the earth, the globe
世界的な worldwide; global

 all the countries of the world
 the lunar [stellar] world
 the whole world
 from all 「parts of [over] the world
 「in all [all over/throughout] the world
 go around the world
 make a round-the-world tour
 a globetrotter
 move [shake] the world
 to the ends of the earth
 a worldwide depression
 an international problem [issue]
 He is world-famous./He enjoys worldwide fame.
2〔生活の場〕the world

 He and I live in two different worlds.
 That is a matter of great importance in 「children's lives [the world of children].
 If you try hard, a whole new world [sphere] will open up to you.
 She is shut up within her own small world.
3〔特定の範囲〕a circle; a sphere;《文》 a realm

 literary and artistic circles
 the political world
 the realm of poetry
 Writing poetry lies outside the sphere of my activities.
世界遺産 a World Heritage Site

 a World Cultural Heritage Site
 a World Natural Heritage Site
 be placed on the World Heritage List
世界遺産条約 the World Heritage Treaty

 He is the world's fastest runner.
 She won the world championship in gymnastics.
世界一周旅行[飛行]((take; make)) a round-the-world tour [flight]
世界観 a [one's] view of the world

 After that, I came to 「have a different outlook on the world [see the world differently].
世界環境デーWorld Environment Day
世界教会運動 the ecumenical movement
世界教会主義 ecumenism
世界(新)記録 a (new) world record

 establish [set] a world record
世界経済 the world [international] economy
世界語「a universal [an international] language
世界国家 the World State
世界史 world history; the history of the world
世界主義 cosmopolitanism; internationalism
世界食糧計画 the World Food Plan ((略 WFP))
世界女性会議 the World Conference on Women
世界人 a cosmopolitan (person)
世界人権会議 the World Conference on Human Rights
世界人権宣言 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
世界政策 a world [global] policy
世界選手権大会 a world championship meet
世界大戦 a world war

 the First [Second] World War/World War I [II](▼one [two]と読む)
世界都市 an ecumenopolis
世界博覧会 a world exposition [fair]
世界連邦主義者 a world federalist
世界気象機関 the World Meteorological Organization ((略 WMO))
世界キリスト教学生連盟 the World Student Christian Federation ((略 WSCF))
世界教会協議会 the World Council of Churches ((略 WCC))
世界銀行 the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development;〔俗称〕the World Bank
世界自然保護基金 the World Wide Fund for Nature ((略 WWF))
世界貿易機関 the World Trade Organization ((略 WTO))
世界保健機関 the World Health Organization ((略 WHO))
世界労働組合連盟 the World Federation of Trade Unions ((略 WFTU))
世界の英訳 - gooコロケーション辞典
[参考] 「スポーツの世界 (the world of sports)」のように「特定の分野」の意でもよく用いられる。


[対訳] the world; society; the universe
[対訳] sphere; circle; world
[対訳] world-renowned; world-famous
[対訳] (original meaning) realm governed by one Buddha; space

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