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(a pair of) trousers,《米》 pants(▼pantsは 《英》 ではズボン下);〔上着と対になっていない〕slacks(▼いずれも複数形で用いる)

 spare pants
 short pants/〔ひざ上で男女とも〕(Bermuda) shorts
 riding breeches
 roll up one's trousers [trouser legs]
 He always wears (a pair of) neatly creased pants.
ズボン下《米》 long underpants,《英》 pants; briefs;〔ウールの〕long johns
ズボン吊り《米》 (a pair of) suspenders [《英》・braces]

 hold up one's pants with suspenders
ズボンプレッサーa trouser press

 press trousers in a trouser press


[対訳] (also written as 洋袴 and 段袋 during the Meiji period) trousers; pants

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