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Japanese Dictionary

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1 恐怖や寒さなどで、ちぢこまって元気がなくなる。「空腹でからだが—・ける」
2 ひねくれて、すなおでなくなる。すねたようすをする。「—・けた性格」「—・けた態度」
3 伸び伸びとした感じがしなくなる。「—・けた絵」
Similar words:
居すくむ  竦む  粟立つ  怖気づく  おじけ付く

Japanese-English Dictionary

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1〔おどおどする〕grow timid [nervous]

 He shrank into the corner.
 You'll 「make children overly nervous [stunt the full development of children's personality] if you keep scolding them.
 He has timid [cramped] handwriting./He writes a timid hand.
2〔ひねくれる〕become perverse [warped]

 Hardships in his youth warped his personality.

 The trees along the road all look stunted, perhaps owing to car exhaust.


[対訳] to grow timid; to cower; to shrink; to lose one's nerve
[対訳] to become perverse; to become contrary; to become warped; to become withdrawn
[対訳] to be cramped; to be constrained

Hán Tôm Mark Dictionary

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